skip to main content Indiana State University University Faculty Senate UFS #4 Approved December 14, 2000. November 16, Minutes Indiana State University Faculty Senate 2000-01 Time: 3:15 p.m. Place: HMSU, Dede III Present: Chairperson F. Bell, Vice Chair P. Hightower, Secretary C. Hoffman Senators: A. Anderson, R. Baker, E. Bermudez, A. Blackshire-Belay, M. Brennan, D. Burger, P. Carino, J. Cerny, G. Christianson, B. Clouse, J. Conant, N. Corey, H. Cox, B. Frank, D. Gilman, R. Goidel, M. Harmon, S. Lamb, N. Lawrence, K. Liu, C. MacDonald, L. Maule, R. McGiverin, J. McNabb, D. Memory, F. Muyumba, D. Prentice, A. Rider, R. Schneirov, S. Sharp, E. Warner, W. Warren Absent: R. Clouse, A. Cockerham, P. Dutta, J. Huber, T. Zaher Ex-Officio: President Benjamin, Interim Provost Hopkins, Vice President Schafer Visitors: W. Dando, P. Engelbach, R. Levy, J. Tenerelli I. Memorial Resolutions R. McGiverin read a memorial resolution for Dolly B. Hoover. W. Dando read a memorial resolution for Akhtar Hassain Siddiqi. P. Carino moved acceptance of the memorials, seconded by A. Anderson; accepted 35-0-0. II. Administrative Report President Benjamin updated the Senate on the status of an ongoing police investigation regarding a campus shooting that occurred earlier in the afternoon--no ISU students were involved in the altercation. He further reported on recent and planned meetings with various constituencies, progress in the ongoing deans' searches, and gave an update on the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs search. Interim Provost Hopkins updated the Senate on the distance education study group and on international travel grants. President Benjamin gave the administrative response to actions taken by the Senate at the October 19, 2000, meeting. The administration noted: select committee recommendations; change to the Handbook, Section IV, page 4-3; Compensation and Benefits, Extra Classes; and the recommitment to the CAAC of the General Education Locus of Control; and approved: support of the Health Benefits recommendation and proposed naming of the new multi-purpose athletic field. III. Chair Report Chair Bell noted his report at the November meeting of the Board of Trustees, his attendance at the state AAUP meeting in Indianapolis, and the local AAUP's panel discussion on full-time temporary faculty. He complimented Interim Provost Hopkins on his address to the Eugene V. Debs' Conference and further noted this year's recipients for the state AAUP Lifetime Service Award and Outstanding Journalist Award, E. J. Tarbox and Sue Loughlin respectively. IV. SGA Report The SGA reported that the kick-off for the Sycamore Psycho organization was November 24 and the incorporation of on-line voting in the next SGA election process. V. Fifteen Minute Open Discussion No items were raised for discussion. # UFS #4, 11/16/00 Page 2 VI. Approval of the October 19, 2000 Minutes D. Prentice moved approval, seconded by N. Lawrence. The minutes were approved as amended, 34-0-0. K. Liu moved to reorder the agenda, seconded by D. Gilman; approved 35-0-0. VII. Administrative Affairs Committee Recommendation Faculty representation on the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs search committee K. Liu moved approval, seconded by A. Anderson. Discussion ensued. The wisdom for exclusion of junior faculty from service on the search committee was included in the discussion as well as the desire for representative balance across the academic units. The question was called. The motion passed, 30-2-2. VIII. FAC Recommendations: FAC Vice Chair, N. Corey, relayed to the Senate background information relevant to each FAC recommendation. Retirement Planning "The annual retirement event would be removed from the Faculty Affairs Committee in the future and that future planning be handled solely by the Provost's Office with possible assistance from the Staff Benefits Office." P. Hightower moved approval, seconded by F. Muyumba. The question was called. The motion passed, 34-0-0. Retiring and Emeriti Faculty Accommodations "The Faculty Affairs Committee recommends that retiring and emeriti faculty will maintain their offices while on retirement sabbatical. Upon official retirement, emeriti faculty may maintain their offices if possible, or a suitable alternative if not, and utilize department support staff, if desired, to finish books, articles, research or any other work for at least one year into their official retirement. Afterward, a shared office with appropriate and reasonable accommodations will be made available. Also, emeriti faculty, after leaving the University, can maintain all the benefits of campus resources as regular faculty. Departments should facilitate the smooth retirement of each retiring faculty in his/her department by helping these valued, emeriti faculty maintain feelings of worth as well as respect and dignity by their University colleagues." B. Clouse moved approval, seconded by K. Liu. During discussion, the recommendation was revised by friendly amendment to the above text. The question was called. The motion as amended passed, 31-3-0. Executive Committee Charge "Prior to action on representation and participation in shared governance for full-time temporary faculty, the Faculty Affairs Committee (FAC) would like to respectfully request the Interim Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dr. David Hopkins, to form a committee of full-time temporary faculty, faculty, and key administrators to develop policies and procedures on salary, contracts, evaluation procedures, benefits/retirement, and workload. It is only after these issues are addressed that the issues and recommendations on their role in shared governance can be addressed fully. FAC would recommend this newly formed committee utilize the final documents from the summer work of the group of temporary faculty funded by the Lilly grant and the work of the Senate ad hoc Committee headed by Harriet Hudson. Only then can a comprehensive document address all issues." P. Hightower moved approval, seconded by M. Harmon. During discussion, the recommendation was revised by friendly amendment to the above text. The question was called. The motion as amended passed, 34-0-0. # UFS #4, 11/16/00 Page 3 IX. FEBC Recommendations: Compression/Compaction "All net salary savings recouped from faculty retirements be redistributed to address faculty salary issues, with compression a first priority. The FEBC recommends that faculty salary "compression" adjustments account for the number of years at ISU, number of years in rank at ISU, number of promotions, and number of "merit" or other high performance recommendations at ISU (so as not to "cancel out" performance achievements)." Anderson moved approval, seconded by L. Maule. During discussion, the recommendation was revised by friendly amendment to the above text. S. Lamb said the inclusion of "number of promotions" would be troublesome and argued for omission of this variable. He argued that the variable "the number of local promotions" was a variable that largely captured compression inequities and it would have a negative coefficient in front of it. He stated that when you use a formula to generate expected salaries for faculty you would want to leave the number of local promotions out just as you would want to leave gender or race out when determining what faculty should expect to be paid. You would not leave out rank, however. He concluded by stating that salaries should not be a function of gender or race or compression. J. Cerny stated that he understood S. Lamb's point, but the FEBC motion was not talking about model building, it was expressing the opinion that compression was a function of the number of local promotions. S. Lamb stated that he had misunderstood and had 'jumped the gun.' The question was called. The motion as amended passed, 31-3-0. Tuition Fee Waiver "Dependent children who are full-time undergraduate students (at ISU) may receive a fee award of up to $1,200 per semester for a total of eight semesters." E. Warner moved approval, seconded by M. Harmon. After discussion, the motion passed; 34-0-0. X. CAAC Recommendation: Guidelines for General Education Capstone Course D. Prentice moved to invite P. Engelbach and R. Levy to the table, seconded by A. Anderson; approved 34-0-0. A. Anderson moved approval, seconded by D. Prentice. During discussion, it was clarified that the guidelines and not the attached sample syllabus were being considered. The question was called. The motion passed, 26-4-1. XI. Old Business FAC: Theodore Dreiser Distinguished Research & Creativity Awards Committee N. Corey moved to remove from the table and approve, seconded by S. Lamb. Discussion ensued and a friendly amendment to add one more nominee from the School of Technology was accepted. The question was called. The motion as amended passed; 29-0-1. XII. Reports of Standing Committee activity since the last Senate meeting: Administrative Affairs Committee, K. Liu The AAC met on November 6 and approved minutes for the two previous meetings; sent out a call for nominations to serve on the search committee for the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs position--nineteen nominations were received. The Committee went into executive # UFS #4, 11/16/00 Page 4 session; a slate of four faculty representatives and two alternates was selected and approved. The next scheduled meeting will be November 20 at 3:00 p.m. in RO A237. Arts Endowment Committee, G. Christiansen The AEC met on November 14 and reviewed grant proposals, selected a representative to the Theodore Dreiser Distinguished Research and Creativity Awards Committee, and worked on its charges. Curriculum and Academic Affairs Committee, J. McNabb The CAAC has met three times; approved the GE 2000 capstone course criteria, one full review proposal and one fast track proposal. The Committee discussed the "Locus of Control" document and issues concerning the General Education Council and Coordinator position; appointed a three member task force to draft a new set of recommendations concerning the role and authority of the General Education Coordinator and the General Education Council, as well as procedures for appointment, in light of the changes in the General Education Program. Faculty Affairs Committee, N. Corey The FAC has met twice; three action items forward by the FAC are on today's Senate agenda. The Committee continues to work on its charges and the evaluation of teaching. The next scheduled meeting is November 29. Faculty Economic Benefits Committee, S. Sharp The FEBC has met twice; two action items forward by the FEBC are on today's Senate agenda. The Committee continues to work to address concerns related to the current performance based pay system, the status of faculty searches (with regard to salary ranges and reasons for failed searches), salary needs of temporary faculty, prescription drug coverage under our current plan, the proposed Spectrum Wellness program and personal days. A listing of covered and excluded prescription drugs has been received and the Committee awaits information as to the criteria used to establish inclusions and exclusions. The next scheduled meeting is November 27 at 3:30 p.m. in SN 406. Graduate Council, C. MacDonald The Graduate Council has met twice; approved two curricular proposals and continues work on the Graduate Catalog. Student Affairs Committee, M. Harmon The SAC next meets on November 17. University Research Committee, B. Frank The URC has met once and continues to work on its charges and plans to review grant proposals at its next scheduled meeting on November 17. XIII. New Business Chair Bell extended thanks to Senate liaisons to the governing bodies of respective academic units for their efforts in reporting to the Senate. E. Bermudez asked if the errata to the 2000-02 Undergraduate Catalog had been distributed. Interim Provost Hopkins responded that this information was forthcoming; however, he noted that the School of Technology's corrected information had been distributed. S. Lamb moved adjournment at 5:06 p.m., seconded by A. Anderson; approved, 34-0-0. # # Last modified: May 20, 2008  Copyright © 2009 by Indiana State University.