skip to main content Indiana State University University Faculty Senate UFS#8 Approved April 18th, 2006. March23rd, Minutes Indiana State University Faculty Senate 2005-06 Time: 3:15 p.m. Place: HMSU, Dede III Officers: Chair S. Lamb, Secretary Sr. A. Anderson Senators: J. Allen, C. Amlaner, V. Anderson, E. Bermudez, K. Bolinger, J. Buffington, J. Conant, B. Evans, J. Fine, B. Frank, D. Gravitt, A. Halpern, E. Hampton, J. Harper, T. Hawkins, P. Hightower, C. Hoffman, K. Liu, M. Miller, G. Minty, C. Montanez, T. Mulkey, L. O’Laughlin, P. Plummer, S. Pontius, R. Schneirov, S. Shure, G. Stuart, P. Wheeler, S. Wolf Absent: N. Hopkins, J. Hughes, R. Johnson, C. MacDonald, J. Powers, V. Sheets, Q. Weng, D. Worley Ex-Officio: President Benjamin, K. Schmid I. Memorial Memorials for David Bennett and Elmer Brooks were read and accepted by unanimous voice vote. II. Administrative Report President Benjamin: 1) noted recent alumni events; 2) acknowledged the excellent student effort put forth to obtain approved State funding for the Student Recreation Center; thanks to all for this successful effort—staff and students; 3) work continues with the Capital Campaign; a steering committee is being formed for the Cherry Street Project—funded by federal dollars and the City of Terre Haute; next effort will be working the City for removal of the rail road tracks going through the east end of campus. K. Schmid reported: 1) Program Prioritization training for departments will take place tomorrow; a global e-mail has been sent for meeting particulars; 2) dean evaluation processes continue for the College of Business and the Library; 3) on-campus visits are currently taking place with College of Education Dean candidates. III. Chair Report Chair Lamb: “First item to report has been taken from the March 15th Undergraduate Admissions Report: total applications are at 5,037, which is 99% of what they were last year at this time; admissions are at 3,448, which is 105% of what they were; and confirmations are at 862, which is 82% of what they were last year. Not good, but much better than the last report. Perhaps we might hear as to what is being done recently to change admissions into confirmations. Or in the language of admissions, “What is being done to increase the yield.” Let me comment of the record of the ISU Sycamore Women’s Basketball Team. Their winning streak was 18 in a row, which is an all time record, longest in Sycamore UFS #8, 3/23/06, Page 2 history; had 27 wins, an all-time record; Missouri Valley Conference record was 16 to 2, a record for us; and they were #1 in the country in Division One Basketball in academics. Also, Melony Boeglin was chosen as a Kodak Academic All American, first team composed of 5 players, also Missouri Valley Conference Player of the Year; Coach Wiedie, Missouri Valley Conference Coach of the Year, candidate for National Coach of the Year. I suggest that a Lady Sycamore Day be celebrated with special presentations and media attention. Another item. I am under the impression that the Law School Task Force is doing a credible job of studying the feasibility of the proposal. At this point in time, they are collecting information so that a reasoned recommendation may be made. The Committee is, however, operating under unreasonable time deadlines. But then, who isn’t. A few more issues. The lack of minorities in both the administration and faculty is quite serious and has been recognized as a problem by the faculty and the administration. Perhaps an appropriate charge should be presented to one of the standing committees; and AAC has been asked by the Executive Committee to determine the role of consultants at ISU for the last five years or so, and they have asked for specific information to be provided. My understanding is that it has not been forthcoming. A final point. On June 17, 2005, the Board of Trustees passed Handbook language that had been approved by the Faculty Senate on March 17, 2005 concerning Special Purpose Faculty. That language has not been incorporated into the official University Handbook.” IV. SGA Report Outgoing SGA President Hobart Scales introduced SGA President-elect, A.J. Patton; pleased with Student Recreation Center receiving State approved funding; a voter ID plan is under consideration. V. Fifteen Minute Open Discussion 1) Inquiry: dollars under consideration by the State Legislature for return to public institution—if returned, for what purpose? President said these funds are targeted for infra-structure maintenance. 2) Difficulties encountered with Transfer Central conveyed—access denied. 3) In response to inquiry, President indicated no update available regarding the proposed merger of the Colleges of Nursing and Health and Human Performance—still just in proposal stage. 4) Faculty are encouraged to participate in the Admission’s Office recruitment initiative providing “mock classes” for parents and perspective students to attend on Saturday mornings. 5) Noted: the AAC had not received the 2008-2009 Academic Calendar for review and action. VI. Approval of the Minutes Minutes of the February 16, 2006 meeting were approved. (Hightower, Hoffman, 32-0-0) VII. Handbook Modifications to agree with Modified Special Purpose and Part-Time Temporary Faculty Policies Special Purpose and Part-Time Temporary Faculty Policies were approved by the Faculty Senate on February 17, 2004. Modifications were approved to this document by the Senate at last month’s meeting. These Handbook modifications are necessary to bring the Handbook in agreement with these policies. Action: Approved. (Harper, Gravitt 32-0-0) UFS #8, 3/23/06, Page 3 Modification One: SECTION II CONSTITUTION OF THE FACULTY OF INDIANA STATE UNIVERSITY Article III STRUCTURE OF THE UNIVERSITY FACULTY SENATE Section 1. Membership The Special Purpose and Part-Time Temporary Faculty Advocate shall hold a speaking seat on the University Faculty Senate. (This sentence should be placed right before the ‘Administration Representation’ heading) Modification Two: BYLAWS I. STANDING COMMITTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY FACULTY SENATE At the end of the second paragraph of that section will be added the following sentence; The Special Purpose and Part-Time Temporary Faculty Advocate serving on the Faculty Affairs committee shall have the same set of privileges and duties as the administrative and student representatives serving on that committee. VIII. Old Business None IX. New Business None X. Standing Committee Reports Senators provided updates on respective standing committee activity since the February Senate meeting. The meeting adjourned at 4:01 p.m. Last modified: September 16, 2008  Copyright © 2009 by Indiana State University.