skip to main content Indiana State University University Faculty Senate UFS #1 Approved September 26, 2002. August 29, Minutes Indiana State University Faculty Senate 2002-03 Time: 3:15 p.m. Place: HMSU, Dede III Officers: Chairperson J. Cerny, Vice Chair F. Bell, Secretary H. Hudson Senators: A. Anderson, J. Allen, G. Bierly, N. Corey, S. Davis, P. Engelbach, J. Finnie, V. French, D. Gilman, V. Gregory, M. Hamm, M. Harmon, J. Harper, M. Hayden, P. Hightower, N. Hopkins, R. Johnson, C. MacDonald, S. Macke, L. Maule, R. McGiverin, J. McNabb, F. Muyumba, B. Phillips, N. Rogers, R. Schneirov, S. Sharp, V. Sheets, S. Shure, L. Sperry, J. Tenerelli, E. Warner, J. Westgard Absent: J. Jakaitis, N. Lawrence, J. Lyman, T. Zaher Ex-Officio: Provost Pontius, Vice President Schafer Deans: M. Bennet, T. Foster, R. Green, B. Hine, J. Maynard, D. Michelfelder, B. Passmore Visitors: L. Bates, H. Chait, S. Lamb, M. Ould-Mey, G. Perry I. Memorials Memorials were read and accepted for Alden John Smith and Lewis W. Yoho. (Gilman, Harmon 36-0-0) II. Administrative Report Provost Pontius reported: 1) Responses to recommendations passed at the April Senate meeting: a. FEBC motions concerning TIAA-CREF contributions for summer teaching, pre-retirement availability of 10% TIAA-CREF funds, and non-tenure track faculty salary levels were not supported at this time. They will be reviewed in this year’s comprehensive salary study. b. Reduced parking fees are already in effect for part-time faculty. c. AAC motions: Administration/faculty count --accepted. d. Academic calendar 2004-2005 – approved. e. Elimination of Senior Assistant Librarian rank –approved. 2) Ten day enrollment figures are up compared to last year; retention is better, too. 3) Faculty salaries increased 2.5% this year; .6% of the total faculty compensation pool will be used to address compression. 4) Tenure track lines to be filled this year will be identified by the end of September. 5) A 5-year budget plan, including a comprehensive salary study, will be developed with the help of focus groups. 6) An electronic University calendar will be available soon. 7) Appeal decisions on pay for performance will go out today. UFS #1, 8/29/02 Page 2 III. Chair Report Chair Cerny reported: 1)Executive Committee retreat emphasized communication between Senators and constituencies, and faculty unity. A Faculty Senate newsletter will be out after the second Senate meeting. 2) Executive Committee is reviewing a draft of University Handbook language for the workload policy and guidelines. It will go to FAC, then Executive Committee, and then come to the Senate. 3) He will meet with chairs of standing committees. Charges will be more focused this year. 4) He seeks suggestions for a more efficient Senate agenda. 5) In F. Bell’s comparison of faculty salaries at peer institutions, ISU’s were almost the lowest; the worst ranking since the formation of the peer group. IV. SGA Report The SGA is currently working to fill standing committee seats. V. Fifteen Minute Open Discussion 1) Candidates for Dean of Library Services and for the Chief Information Officer will be on campus in Sept. and Oct. 2) In response to a question, B. Schafer explained that the 2001 edition of the University Handbook is in effect; all but the preface has been approved by the Board of Trustees. 3) In response to questions, the Provost indicated that those applying for sabbatical leaves would be informed of any changes in the process and would get feedback at each level. There will not be a certain percentage cutoff. The committee on leaves will be making suggestions to improve the process. 4) Congressman B. Hill, author of bill to seat faculty on boards of trustees, will speak at AAUP conference. VI. Election of Parliamentarian E. Warner was elected Parliamentarian by acclamation. (Bell, Davis). Chair Cerny said he would not vote except in cases of a tie. VII. Confirmation of Standing Committees Chair Cerny noted modifications made by the Executive Committee to the slates. Approved as amended. (Davis, Corey 35-0-1). VIII. All University Committee Recommendations Approved. (Tenerelli, Hopkins 35-0-1). IX. CAAC Recommendations: Two courses were approved for Liberal Studies credit: GEOG 423, Geography of the Middle East (Hopkins, Warner 29-5-1) UFS #1, 8/29/02 Page 3 ENG 130, Introduction to Literature (Hopkins, Anderson 34-0-1) Capstone proposals approved for Liberal Studies credit: ENG 483, Multiple Literacies (Anderson, Hightower 34-1-0) ELAF 400, Liberal Studies and Education: Creating Learning Communities (Hightower, Harmon 31-0-4) CIMT 475, Critical Thinking in Teaching (Gilman, Davis 31-0-3) BUS 401, Senior Business Experience (Hightower, Harper 35-0-1) SCI 464, Contested Issues in Political Science Amended to insert enrollment cap at 35. Approved as amended. (Sheets, Muyumba 30-2-3) A new minor was approved: Environmental Health Sciences. (Davis, Muyumba 33-0-2) X. New Business C. Norman and L. Kunes were approved for 5-year term on the Faculty Dismissal Hearing Committee. (voice vote). T. Derrick was approved for service on the Library Advisory Committee, 2002-03 academic year. (voice vote). The meeting adjourned at 4:40 p.m. Last modified: May 20, 2008  Copyright © 2009 by Indiana State University.