skip to main content Indiana State University University Faculty Senate UFS #3 Approved November 21, 2002. October 24, Minutes Indiana State University Faculty Senate 2002-03 Time: 3:15 p.m. Place: HMSU, Dede III Officers: Chairperson J. Cerny, Vice Chair F. Bell, Secretary H. Hudson Senators: A. Anderson, J. Allen, G. Bierly, N. Corey, S. Davis, P. Engelbach, J. Finnie, V. French, D. Gilman, V. Gregory, M. Hamm, M. Harmon, J. Harper, M. Hayden, P. Hightower, N. Hopkins, J. Jakaitis, R. Johnson, J. Lyman, S. Macke, L. Maule, R. McGiverin, J. McNabb, F. Muyumba, B. Phillips, N. Rogers, R. Schneirov, S. Sharp, V. Sheets, S. Shure, L. Sperry, J. Tenerelli, E. Warner, J. Westgard, T. Zaher Absent: N. Lawrence, C. MacDonald Ex-Officio: President Benjamin, Provost Pontius, V.P. Schafer Deans: T. Foster, R. Green, B. Hine, J. Maynard, D. Michelfelder, B. Saucier, D. Timmons Visitors: C. Amlaner, G. Bakken, M. Bennet, J. Conant, G. Fernandez, M. Greninger, R. Guell, C. Hoffman, S. Lamb, S. Loughlin, D. Nelson, K. Neese, M. Ould-Mey, R. Ramsey I. Memorials A memorial for David Turney was read and accepted. (Davis, Hightower voice vote) II. President Report President Benjamin reported: 1) International Activities: Agreements have been concluded with two universities in Morocco; visitors from Thailand have been on campus; $400,000 made available through the State Department will promote faculty exchanges with Liaoning Normal University in China. 2) Meeting with Senate officers and members of Board of Trustees: Progress is being made in the areas of communication and compensation for the entire campus, in spite of current funding restraints. 3) Fundraising: A $20 million endowment from the Lilly Foundation for Networks will create new directions for service, scholarships and fellowships; an unprecedented $35 million has been raised in the past two years. III. Approval of the Minutes Approval of the September 26, 2002 minutes was postponed until the November meeting to accommodate a Senator's request. IV. There was no Old Business considered. V. New Business 1) Approved FAC select committee nominations. (Hopkins, Harmon 37-0-1) 2) Approved CAAC recommendation (Muyumba, Hightower 18-14-1): Proposals requesting Liberal Studies credit for a single course and requesting no changes in policies, procedures, or programming follow the currently approved UFS #3, 10/24/02 Page 2 procedures requiring department approval, a Registrar's Report, a Dean's Office and Academic Affairs review, General Education Council, and Curricular and Academic Affairs Committee approval, but that these proposals are then fully approved by their subsequent publication in Academic Notes without further review and approval by the Faculty Senate Executive Committee and the Senate. 3) Approved Resolution of Lack of Confidence (Hayden, Harmon 31-7-0): Whereas a Professional Satisfaction Survey conducted by the Administrative Affairs Committee of the Faculty Senate in the spring semester of the 2001-2002 academic year found that a large majority of the faculty expressing an opinion lacked confidence in the existing administration’s ability to lead the university in furtherance of its educational mission; and Whereas the Faculty Senate exercises the legislative authority of the University Faculty; and Whereas the Faculty Senate is concerned that the present administration has adopted a management style incongruent with collaborative decision making and shared governance; and Whereas the Faculty Senate is concerned that efforts underway since the publication of the survey results to resolve the impasse with the university administration have not been successful; and Whereas the Faculty Senate is concerned that the quality of education at Indiana State University is jeopardized by the continuance of the present situation; therefore Be it hereby resolved that the Faculty Senate of Indiana State University expresses its lack of confidence in the administration of President Lloyd W. Benjamin III and Provost Steven K. Pontius, and that it delegates to the Executive Committee of the Senate the responsibility of opening up substantive and formal discussions with the Board of Trustees of Indiana State University with the goals of apprising the Board of the faculty’s grave concerns and beginning the process of restoring confidence so that all segments of the university community can work collaboratively to achieve ISU’s institutional mission. If formal and productive discussions cannot be established by December 1, 2002, the Faculty Senate will consider a formal vote of no confidence in the present administration. A motion to table was defeated (Bierly, Rodgers 9-28-0). Discussion focused on whether the Resolution was the best way to address problems with the administration and whether it represented the will of the faculty. T. Zaher requested that a vote be delayed to allow Senators further time to poll colleagues; it was noted that a motion to table had been defeated. It was noted that the Provost had given to deans following the October 16th Deans' Council meeting copies of the Draft--Bill of Particulars (Executive Committee Rationale) he had received during executive UFS #3, 10/24/02 Page 3 session at the October 15th Executive Committee meeting. An amendment to strike language referring to specific administrators and a possible vote of no confidence was defeated (McGiverin, Hudson 4-34-0). An amendment to change the meetings date from December to March was defeated (Johnson, Hudson 12-25-0). VI. Chair Cerny referred to information items provided for Senators: The proposed reorganization of Student Affairs and the revised Handbook Preface. VII. Provost Report Provost Pontius reported: 1) Sabbaticals: The committee reviewing sabbatical leaves policy will present information on how classes are covered when faculty are on leave. Though not a current practice, it would be possible to calculate the number of faculty eligible for leaves in a given year. 2) Compression: The committee reviewing compression has developed three plans for distributing funds. 3) Enrollments: This year’s freshman class is smaller than last year’s because a decision was made to reduce the number of AOP admissions. 4) Administrative response to action items of the September Senate meeting was postponed until the November meeting. VIII. Chair Report Chair Cerny reported: 1) We recognize that these are trying and anxiety-arousing times. During these times I believe the faculty and especially the Faculty Senate has conducted itself professionally and with dignity as well as respecting the rights and opinions of all in our diverse faculty. I want to encourage you to continue to honor the principles of academic freedom, open debate, and individual respect. Working together in the service of compromise for the benefit of all should remain a high priority for all of us. IX. SGA Report SGA President Thomas reported: 1) SGA has filled student seats on Faculty Senate standing committees. X. Fifteen Minute Open Discussion S. Shure expressed thanks to the Executive Committee for its restraint shown during these trying times. XI. Committee Reports AAC: AAC has met once since the last Senate meeting. It discussed a draft of its Bill of Particulars and voted to approve and forward to the Executive Committee a revised version. It also approved the travel report and sent it to the Executive Committee. It will meet Oct. 25 to consider the AAUP Bill of Rights and to evaluate having AAC meet in the summer AEC: AEC has held an organization meeting. CAAC: CAAC has been discussing the guidelines for program review. UFS #3, 10/24/02 Page 4 FAC: FAC has approved and forwarded a Bill of Particulars to the Executive Committee. It also approved and forwarded revisions to the Library's and the School of Business' constitutions. At its next meeting, the workload policy will be discussed. FEBC: FEBC has had three meetings and is making significant progress. Grad Council: The Council is considering recommendations from Dean Bentil. URC: URC has had an organizational meeting. SAC: SAC has met with representatives of Grad Council and spoken with representatives of CAAC concerning the new drop policy and revisions to the Code of Student conduct statement on academic integrity. The meeting adjourned at 5:45 p.m. Last modified: May 20, 2008  Copyright © 2009 by Indiana State University.