skip to main content Indiana State University University Faculty Senate UFS #4 Approved December 12, 2002. November 21, Minutes Indiana State University Faculty Senate 2002-03 Time: 3:15 p.m. Place: HMSU, Dede III Officers: Chairperson J. Cerny, Vice Chair F. Bell, Secretary H. Hudson Senators: A. Anderson, J. Allen, G. Bierly, N. Corey, S. Davis, P. Engelbach, V. French, D. Gilman, V. Gregory, M. Harmon, J. Harper, M. Hayden, P. Hightower, N. Hopkins, J. Jakaitis, R. Johnson, N. Lawrence, J. Lyman, C. MacDonald, S. Macke, R. McGiverin, J. McNabb, B. Phillips, N. Rogers, R. Schneirov, V. Sheets, S. Shure, J. Tenerelli, E. Warner, J. Westgard, T. Zaher Absent: J. Finnie, M. Hamm, L. Maule, F. Muyumba, S. Sharp, L. Sperry Ex-Officio: Provost Pontius, V.P. Schafer Deans: T. Foster, R. Green, B. Hine, J. Maynard, D. Michelfelder, B. Passmore, B. Saucier Visitors: J. Conant, C. Hoffman, S. Loughlin, J. White I. Approval of the Minutes Approved the September 26 and October 24, 2002, minutes as amended. (Anderson, Gregory voice vote) II. There was no Old Business considered. III. There was no New Business considered. IV. Provost Report Provost Pontius reported: 1) Administrative responses to actions taken by the Senate at the October 24, 2002, meeting: Noted -- a memorial for David Turney, FAC select committee nominations, and the Resolution of Lack of Confidence; Approved the CAAC recommendation. 2) Sabbatical Leaves: A draft of the revised guidelines for the leaves process is being reviewed by deans, chairs, and the leaves taskforce. When responses have been received, dates for forwarding applications will be set. The March 15 date for notification will not change. The suggested procedure parallels the tenure and promotion process with feedback at every level. All decisions will be based on quality, not a percentage or quota. It was noted that the guidelines do not require the Provost to give feedback to candidates whose leaves are denied. 3) Distance Education: Faculty teaching distance education courses may receive overload pay. The Blue-ribbon Panel recommended that compensation levels set by the University Handbook be reviewed by the appropriate committees and increased. 4) Updates: Responses to compression options, increased funding for URC and AEC. UFS #4, 11/21/02 Page 2 V. Chair Report Chair Cerny reported: 1) 10% TIAA-CREF Availability: The Board of Trustees has responded negatively to last spring’s FEBC request. He does not understand why this policy decision was made in executive session and would appreciate a rationale for the response. 2) Meetings With Administration: The Executive Committee met with the President and his cabinet. Discussions were candid and focused on collaborative decision-making, including the need to follow the Handbook (or follow procedures to change it), involve Faculty Senators, and build consensus before implementing changes. Short-term actions to ease tension were suggested. Senators are urged to give input on these matters 3) Updates: SAC alternate, Katherine Culotta, will replace William Warfel for the spring semester. Julie Mitre will replace Betsy Frank on the University Leaves Committee for this year. The Senate approved via e-mail FEBC's health benefit recommendation. The Executive Committee will be considering FAC’s recommended modifications to the Workload Policy, and his proposal for a Legal Defense Fund. These should come to the Senate soon. VI. SGA Report 1) Elections: President Thomas indicated that in this spring’s elections, students will vote electronically via the pipeline 2) Senate Vote: Vice President Smith read a statement in response to the vote of lack of confidence urging faculty and administration to resolve issues of concern: The Student government Association had and currently has an excellent working relationship with the faculty and the administration alike. We look forward to building new relationships, and continue collaboratively working with both groups. The Student Government Association encourages both groups to work together with the best interest of the students at heart. Together all of us play a vital role in making Indiana State University the best comprehensive institution of its kind in the Midwest. Having this information in mind, we have the utmost faith and trust that this situation will be resolved. VII. Fifteen Minute Open Discussion 1) Compensation: The faculty compensation plan being developed by FEBC is separate from the plan being developed by the President’s ad-hoc committee, though both are part of the process of developing a university-wide compensation plan. 2) Indicators: Declining indicators (summer enrollments, grants and contracts, freshman enrollments) are disturbing. Provost Pontius responded not all these assessments were accurate. Summer Honors and summer school enrollments are not where they should be. It was noted that AOP admission standards have gone up since candidates are reviewed on an individual basis. 3) Suggestions for Avoiding a Vote of No Confidence: Faculty views need to be communicated through the hierarchy to chairs, deans, and the Provost; the President could give higher priority to attending Senate meetings to hear faculty concerns; various other issues were raised. UFS #4, 11/21/02 Page 3 VIII. Committee Reports Standing Committee activity since the last Senate meeting: AAC: AAC has met twice and discussed the AAUP Campus Bill of Rights, forwarded an evaluation of summer meetings and considered the committee's charges. AEC: AEC has begun to review funding requests. CAAC: CAAC has met three times, acted on course proposals, worked on the CAPS manual revisions and the guidelines for program review. FAC: FAC has evaluated the Summer 2002 meetings and worked on the Faculty Workload document. The AAUP Campus Bill of Rights is scheduled for discussion at its next meeting. FEBC: FEBC has been working on its compensation proposal. Grad Council: The Council and its subcommittees have been working on the impact of the drop/add policy changes on graduate students, reviewing and revising drafts of the CAPS and Program Review General Guidelines, and changes in general graduate school policies. A number of program revisions and new course proposals have been reviewed and approved. SAC: SAC has met once and reviewed effects of the drop/add policy changes; a subcommittee is working on the academic integrity charge and is reviewing the Student Code of conduct regarding both substantive and procedural matters. URC: URC has met twice, discussed its charges and approved a process to review requests for time extensions on URC grants (a limit of one 3-month time extension on any URC grant from this year forward). The Committee considered 12 different proposals for fall funding. The meeting adjourned at 4:55 p.m. Last modified: May 20, 2008  Copyright © 2009 by Indiana State University.