skip to main content Indiana State University University Faculty Senate UFS #5 Approved January 30, 2003. December 12, Minutes Indiana State University Faculty Senate 2002-03 Time: 3:15 p.m. Place: HMSU, Dede III Officers: Chairperson J. Cerny, Vice Chair F. Bell, Secretary H. Hudson Senators: A. Anderson, J. Allen, G. Bierly, S. Davis, P. Engelbach, J. Finnie, V. French, D. Gilman, V. Gregory, M. Hamm, M. Harmon, J. Harper, P. Hightower, N. Hopkins, J. Jakaitis, R. Johnson, N. Lawrence, J. Lyman, C. MacDonald, S. Macke, L. Maule, R. McGiverin, J. McNabb, F. Muyumba, B. Phillips, N. Rogers, R. Schneirov, S. Sharp, V. Sheets, S. Shure, L. Sperry, J. Tenerelli, E. Warner, J. Westgard, T. Zaher Absent: N. Corey, M. Hayden Ex-Officio: Provost Pontius, V.P. Schafer Deans: B. Dallman, R. Green, B. Hine, J. Maynard, D. Michelfelder, B. Passmore, B.Saucier Visitors: C. Amlaner, P. Carino, J. Conant, C. Hoffman, S. Lamb, S. Loughlin I. President Report 1) Meetings: Exe. Com. has meet twice with him and his cabinet to bring clarity to the issues associated with the lack of confidence vote. He will provide a brief written response to the points raised, and distribute it next week. 2) SCH targets: He is making it a point to discuss these in all Schools and the College. The Provost will visit departments in the spring to address concerns and learn their experiences. There is a two-year window for implementation. 3) Compensation: G. Floyd is preparing a white paper on the compensation study. The goal is to address compensation issues for all employees; faculty issues will be treated within the context of the whole budget picture. At this time our budget is tightly defined because the state is poor. 4) Sabbaticals: Age will not be a factor in granting sabbaticals. He will adhere to the leaves policy stated in the University Handbook. Sabbaticals are absolutely essential to the health of an engaged and productive faculty. 5) Shared governance: T. Exline is preparing a white paper on the communication audit. The Faculty Senate performs an important role in keeping the administration aware of hot spots. II. Provost Report Provost Pontius reported: 1) Travel agency charges: Our agreement with IT Travel permits changes in response to market conditions. In early 2002, when airlines stopped paying commissions to travel agencies, fees were instituted totaling $15 per ticket. President Benjamin indicated that he wants to review the agreement and determine ways to take advantage of bargains when individuals buy their own tickets. 2) SCH targets: When targets went out last year, two departments were meeting them. Now 22 of 41 units have met them. He will adjust faculty counts to remove tenure-track faculty who are not teaching. 0in;margin-left:4.5in;margin-bottom:.0001pt" align="left"> UFS #5, 12/12/02 Page 2 3) Commencement: He is looking at ways to provide for more inter-action of faculty and students. III. Chair Report Chair Cerny reported: 1) Meetings: It will take time to develop thoughtful responses to some of the points raised with the President and his cabinet, but others can be responded to quickly. IV. Approval of the Minutes Approved the November 21, 2002, minutes. (Davis, Anderson, 35-0-1) V. Actions of the Senate 1) Approved: Faculty nominees to serve on search committees for VP University Advancement (Hightower, Tenerelli 37-0-1) and Associate VP Enrollment Services (Hopkins, Muyumba 37-0-1). 2) Tabled until January Senate meeting (Maule, Harper 25-10-1): FAC recommendation on the Faculty Workload Policy. Issues of feasibility, fairness, and overall strength of the policy and its language were raised. Copies of FAC’s recommendation will be distributed to faculty for response to Senators before January’s Senate meeting. VI. Fifteen Minute Open Discussion Provost’s letter on sabbatical procedures: The steps outlined there may constitute a change in policy that was not brought to the Senate. Provost Pontius responded that the recommendation to have feedback at every level came from the ad-hoc committee on sabbaticals, which included several Senators, among them Chair Cerny. That committee did not think the recommendations constituted a change in policy. Chair Cerny concurred, noting that the letter was a clarification of procedures to be used this year only. Executive Committee is waiting for the ad-hoc committee’s report, which will go through regular channels. VII. Committee Reports Standing Committee activity since the last Senate meeting: AAC: AAC has met twice and discussed the AAUP Campus Bill of Rights and the Handbook Preface. AEC: No report. CAAC: CAAC has met once and continues to work on the CAPS manual and the Student Portfolio program. FAC: FAC has met twice and continued work on the Faculty Workload document, the AAUP Campus Bill of Rights and the Grievance Policy. FEBC: The meeting scheduled for Dec. 12 did not make a quorum. 0in;margin-left:4.5in;margin-bottom:.0001pt" align="left"> UFS #5, 12/12/02 Page 3 Grad Council: The Council has met twice. Extensive discussion has been held regarding organizational and staffing issues in the School of Graduate Studies. Dean Bentil has proposed a restructuring of the SOGS that would streamline the recruitment and admission process as well as internal operations. The Graduate Council unanimously endorsed the proposed reorganization. A. Tomey has been elected to serve as the Graduate Council representative’s the School of Graduate Studies Assistant Dean Search committee. The Council has also recognized the outstanding work of Dr. Jolynn Kuhlman in her role as Acting Associate Dean for the SOGS for the past three-and-a-half years. The only course approved by the Council was a proposal from the Department of Music for a "Topics" class. SAC: SAC has met once and continues to work on charges. URC: Scheduled to meet this week. The meeting adjourned at 4:59 p.m. Last modified: May 20, 2008  Copyright © 2009 by Indiana State University.