skip to main content Indiana State University University Faculty Senate UFS #6 Approved February 27, 2003. January 30, Minutes Indiana State University Faculty Senate 2002-03 Time: 3:15 p.m. Place: HMSU, Dede III Officers: Chairperson F. Bell, Vice Chair P. Hightower Senators: A. Anderson, J. Allen, G. Bierly, N. Corey, S. Davis, P. Engelbach, B. Evans, V. Gregory, M. Hamm, M. Harmon, J. Harper, N. Hopkins, J. Jakaitis, R. Johnson, N. Lawrence, J. Lyman, C. MacDonald, S. Macke, L. Maule, R. McGiverin, J. McNabb, F. Muyumba, M. Ould-Mey, B. Phillips, N. Rogers, R. Schneirov, S. Sharp, V. Sheets, S. Shure, L. Sperry, J. Tenerelli, E. Warner Absent: J. Finnie, R. Goldbort, M. Hayden, H. Hudson, K. Liu Ex-Officio: Provost Pontius, V.P. Schafer Deans: T. Foster, R. Green, B. Hine, J. Maynard, D. Michelfelder, B. Passmore, B.Saucier Visitors: J. Agee, P. Aaron, Mrs. Baughman, B. Clouse, E. Fakouri, D. Gilman, C. Hoffman, F. Jerse, S. Lamb, R. Quist, C. Walker, K. Walker, B. Williams, K. Zucker I. Memorials were read and accepted (Davis, Anderson 33-0-0 "Ayes") for M. Dale Baughman, Charles D. Blaney, Max E. Bough, Walter Ney, and Rutherford B. Porter. II. Provost Report Provost Pontius reported: 1) Budget: He and other representatives from ISU attended a budget hearing yesterday before the House Ways and Means Committee. He was pleased with the presentation and response. 2) Compression: Letters have been mailed. A letter explaining the process will be mailed to all faculty. 3) Sabbatical Leaves: Next Monday all submitted requests will be given to the Sabbatical Leaves Committee. He noted there had been no change in policy. 4) Enrollment: This term’s enrollment figures appear to be higher, by at least 200 students, than figures from this time last spring. 5) Program Pilot Process: met today with the Chemistry Department. 6) Committee on Special Purpose Faculty: Met with the Committee today. 7) Departmental Visits: He plans to visit all departments this spring. 8) Budget Hearings: Scheduled for March 4, 5, and 6. III. Chair Report Chair Bell reported: 1) Seating of Senators: Jim Buffington from Business; Seating of next Executive Committee alternate, Nancy Lawrence. 2) Standing Committee alternates seated: Susan Kiger on the CAAC. 3) Senate election nomination forms have been mailed. UFS #6, 1/30/03 Page 2 4) Health Benefits Review Committee, Faculty members nominated: FEBC representative, S. Macke and faculty representative, V. Gregory. 5) Faculty Senate Dinner: Scheduled for March 12 at 6:00 p.m. in Dede I. 6) The Executive Committee is discussing the administration’s responses to the list of concerns presented in meetings of the Executive Committee and the President’s cabinet. IV. Approval of the Minutes Approved the December 12, 2002, minutes. (Hopkins, Anderson 33-0-0) V. Actions of the Senate 1) Removed off the Table (Davis, Harmon 33-0-0) the FAC recommendation on the Faculty Workload Policy. Approved as amended the Faculty Workload Guidelines (Sheets, Muyumba 16-14-4) after lengthy discussion which included the following statement made by J. Lyman: I am speaking as a representative of the Department of Music. First of all, the proposed policy is inherently flawed by the absence of a rationale, and the driving force behind the policy draft is not clear. What are the reasons for change or the need for clarification? Secondly, the document contains a puzzling contradiction. In Paragraph 2, the document states, "the standard workload for faculty is equivalent to 12 credit hours of teaching." It goes on to state that few faculty will actually have a standard teaching workload. If this is the case, how can 12 credit hours of teaching be labeled 'standard?' Paragraph 3 states, "A typical workload might be nine credit hours of teaching with the remaining time for research, scholarship, and service." The implication is that the standard teaching workload for almost all faculty would be 9 hours, not 12 as stated in the previous paragraph. Assuming that 9 hours is the standard teaching workload with 3 additional hours allotted to research and creative activity, I submit to you that the Department of Music will be seriously compromised. If our faculty are given 3 hours of load credit for research and creative activity, however, we will 1) be forced to hire additional adjuncts which requires funding, 2) be less able to generate SCH since SCH is based only upon that teaching done by tenure-track faculty, and 3) be forced to remove full-time faculty from student contact, a consequence that is at odds with the stated mission of the university. The nature of music instruction is one-on-one. Our SCH level is already the lowest in the university, and will be made lower by the implementation of this policy. My third primary point is that the document disregards the way that load credit is determined in applied music, or private music teaching. Our applied music instructors do not receive one load credit hour for one hour of private teaching. Instead, they receive two load credit hours for three hours of private teaching. Therefore, a 9-hour load of private teaching results in 13.5 contact hours, and, an SCH of only 13.5 for that one individual faculty member. In summary, the proposed workload policy is confusing, contradictory, and exclusive. There was no representative from the Department of Music, one of the most non-standard units in the university, on the formulating committee. We stand opposed to the document as written. 2) Approved reorganization of the School of Graduate Studies. (Hopkins, Hightower 30-1-2) 3) Approved as amended the Handbook Preface. (Hopkins, Harper 30-0-2) 4) Tabled until the February meeting consideration of the Campus Bill of Rights. (Schneirov, Lawrence 33-0-0) UFS #6, 1/30/03 Page 3 VI. Fifteen Minute Open Discussion J. McNabb acknowledged the recent PBS presentation made by R. Schneirov. Chair Bell expressed support for the appointment of the interim Executive Vice President for the Foundation, R. Thompson. R. McGiverin encouraged Senators to contact legislators to support funding for INSPIRE. Several Senators mentioned problems with the Bookstore. Provost Pontius said he would look into the matter. VII. Committee Reports Standing Committee activity since the last Senate meeting: AAC: AAC has met twice and discussed the reorganization of Lifelong Learning. AEC: No report. CAAC: CAAC has met twice and approved five courses and five programs. The CAAC continues to work on the CAPS manual, is discussing the Student Portfolio program and has reviewed and endorsed the proposed pilot program review process. FAC: Next meeting scheduled for next week. FEBC: Next meeting scheduled for next Monday. Grad Council: No meeting. SAC: SAC has met once and continues to work on charges. URC: No meeting. The meeting adjourned at 5:30 p.m. Last modified: May 20, 2008  Copyright © 2009 by Indiana State University.