skip to main content Indiana State University University Faculty Senate UFS #8 Approved April 24, 2003. March 27, Minutes Indiana State University Faculty Senate 2002-03 Time: 3:15 p.m. Place: HMSU, Dede III Officers: Chairperson F. Bell, Vice Chair P. Hightower, Secretary H. Hudson Senators: A. Anderson, J. Allen, G. Bierly, J. Buffington, N. Corey, B. Evans, J. Finnie, M. Hamm, M. Harmon, J. Harper, N. Hopkins, R. Johnson, N. Lawrence, K. Liu, J. Lyman, C. MacDonald, R. McGiverin, J. McNabb, M. Ould-Mey, B. Phillips, R. Schneirov, S. Sharp, V. Sheets, S. Shure, E. Warner Absent: S. Davis, P. Engelbach, R. Goldbort, V. Gregory, M. Hayden, J. Jakaitis, S. Macke, L. Maule, F. Muyumba, L. Sperry, J. Tenerelli Ex-Officio: President Benjamin, Provost Pontius, R. Schafer Deans: B. Hine, T. Foster, B. McClaren, B. Passmore, B. Saucier, A. Siegel, R. Williams Visitors: C. Hoffman, S. Lamb I. A memorial was read and accepted by acclamation for Otto James Shipla. II. Administrative Report President Benjamin reported: 1) Budget: Information reported at the University budget hearings will be the basis of a presentation at the Foundation Board’s retreat. Increases in tuition and fees will make up some of what is lost in this year’s state budget allocation to the University. 2) Indiana Corporate Partnership: We have joined this important development organization. Representatives will soon visit the campus. Provost Pontius reported: 1) Assoc. Degree in Nursing: The ICHE has approved IVY Tech to offer this degree; the program may be in place as early as the fall. 2) Sabbaticals: Letters have been sent. 3) Compression: At the April Senate meeting he will report on the origin of the seven years in rank criteria used to determine eligibility for compression adjustments to salaries. 4) Special purpose faculty: The report from the ad-hoc committee will be submitted to him soon. At the April meeting of the Board of Trustees, he will recommend minimum salaries of $24,000/ year for full-time temporary faculty, and $850/ credit hour for Lecturer III's. 5) International Student Concerns: The Provost is presently working on report. III. Chair Report Chair Bell reported: 1) New Senate meeting: Election of officers and nominations for Executive Committee will take place April 3. 2) Spring faculty meeting: Faculty are encouraged to attend the meeting April 29. Standing committees will report their activities for the year. UFS #8, 3/27/03 Page 2 IV. No SGA Report V. Approval of the Minutes Approved the February 27, 2003, minutes. (Bierly, Evans 26-0-1) VI. Actions of the Senate 1) AAC: Academic Calendar 2005-06. Approved as amended by the Executive Committee to allow for the coincidence of ISU and Vigo County School Corporation spring break (Evans, Hopkins 19-4-5). 2) CAAC: revised CAPS Manual. Approved (McNabb, Harmon 26-0-2). 3) SAC: statement regarding academic content in summer orientation. Accepted (Liu, Harmon 27-0-1). 4) FAC/SAC: clarification of language in Study Week Policy. Approved (Harmon, Evans 17-4-7). 5) FEBC: Faculty Compensation Guidelines. Approved as amended to address cost of living increases (Harper, Hopkins 25-1-1). 6) FAC: Statement on Web portfolios. Accepted (Harper, McNabb 22-0-5). The Provost noted that it would require a Handbook change to make faculty reporting on web portfolios mandatory. VII. Fifteen Minute Open Discussion 1) Student Harassment: A number of students have complained of harassment by campus preachers. Ways to address the problem were discussed. 2) War in Iraq: Information was presented about a report from faculty at other institutions calling for a halt to war plans. VIII. Committee Reports Standing Committee activity since the last Senate meeting: AAC: Met and forwarded item on today's agenda. AEC: Charges have been completed. CAAC: No report. FAC: No quorum at the last scheduled meeting. Next meeting is scheduled for tomorrow. FEBC: No quorum at last scheduled meeting. Grad Council: Met three times--twice with no quorum. SAC: Met three times and forwarded recommendations on today's agenda. Charges have been completed for this semester. URC: No report. The meeting adjourned at 5:17 p.m. Last modified: May 20, 2008  Copyright © 2009 by Indiana State University.