skip to main content Indiana State University University Faculty Senate UFS #9 Approved via e-mail. April 24, Minutes Indiana State University Faculty Senate 2002-03 Time: 3:15 p.m. Place: HMSU, Dede III Officers: Chairperson F. Bell, Vice Chair P. Hightower, Secretary H. Hudson Senators: A. Anderson, J. Allen, G. Bierly, J. Buffington, N. Corey, S. Davis, P. Engelbach, B. Evans, J. Finnie, V. Gregory, M. Harmon, J. Harper, M. Hayden, N. Hopkins, J. Jakaitis, R. Johnson, N. Lawrence, J. Lyman, S. Macke, L. Maule, F. Muyumba, R. McGiverin, J. McNabb, B. Phillips, R. Schneirov, S. Sharp, V. Sheets, S. Shure, L. Sperry, J. Tenerelli, E. Warner Absent: R. Goldbort, M. Hamm, K. Liu, C. MacDonald, M. Ould-Mey Ex-Officio: Provost Pontius Deans: T. Foster, J. Maynard, M. McCallister, B. Passmore, B. Saucier, A. Siegel Visitors: G. Fernandez, K. Gaul, J. Gedrick, D. Gilman, C. Hoffman, D. Hopkins, G. Minty Chair Bell opened the meeting. Recognitions were made to the service of Senior Associate Vice President David Hopkins, retiring Senator and Parliamentarian Edward Warner and Senate Associate, . E. Warner made the following statement: Thanks for the privilege and responsibility of serving in so many capacities in the ISU University/Faculty governance. In Jefferson democracy, being a responsible citizen and enlightened public servant is the highest calling once can perform. I've served in the Senate 19 of my 35 years, once as chairperson, eight on the Executive Committee, seven years as Parliamentarian, 11 years on the CAAC (five as its chairperson, three as vice-chairperson), two each on AAC and FAC. Professors Eugene Dyche and Everett Tarbox first approached me to run for a seat in the Senate (the second one in existence). I was mentored by the likes of Art Dowell, Don Shiek, Bill Brett, Virginia Mitchell, Woodrow Creason, Elmer Ciancone, Mary Ann Roehm, Richard Spear, Robert Clouse, and so many others. I even learned from administrative colleagues and friends like Alan Rankin, Richard Landini, Mary Ann Carroll, Richard Clokey, Edward A. Pease, John Truitt, and Robert Shafer. I retire with a deep sense of gratitude for these opportunities for service and collegiality. E. Warner honoring Chair Frank Bell: This being our last University Faculty Senate meeting for the academic year (my final one,) we wish to thank and honor our Senate and Executive Committee chairperson for his ambitious service. I know for a fact that Frank did not seek officer status on this Senate. Cerny, others and I had to talk him into even letting his name be nominated for the vice-chairpersonship. Then, unexpectedly, he had to assume the chairpersonship with a plate already full of teaching, committee, scholarly and other service commitments. But history thrust that load on him and he shouldered it energetically and faithfully. (And he's borne it extremely well despite some additional unexpected family responsibilities which have also taken time, energy, and heartfelt attention.) Thank you, Frank, from all of us--sincerely said and meant. UFS #9, 4/24/03 Page 2 I. A memorial was read and accepted by acclamation for Beryl Lee Haynes. II. Administrative Report Provost Pontius reported: 1) 2005-06 Academic Calendar: The administration has taken no action on the Senate recommendation. He will bring it back for discussion in the fall. 2) International Student Services: Issues raised at a prior Senate meeting have been investigated and addressed. We have less flexibility under post-9/11 rules. 3) Compression; origin of the “seven-year rule”: The principles outlined in the 2001 compression study included a performance indicator as part of the process. Last year’s ad-hoc compression committee forwarded two proposals, as requested, one with a performance indicator. FAC supported neither option. Deans recommended the option with the performance indicator. III. Chair Report Chair Bell reported: 1) Response to concerns: The Executive Committee met Wednesday with President Benjamin and his cabinet to discuss recommendations to restore confidence. The committee asked for the continuation of such meetings and a written response to its recommendations. IV. SGA Report SGA President MCManama reported: 1) Donaghy Day: SGA participation. 2) Study Week: SGA will distribute materials to publicize Study Week policies. 3) SGA restructuring: SGA includes representatives from the Schools and College. Many seats remain to be filled; Senators should encourage students to serve. V. Approval of the Minutes Approved the March 27, 2003, minutes. (Anderson, Harper 29-0-2) VI. Actions of the Senate 1) AAC report on Faculty/Administrator count: Accepted (Evans, Hopkins 32-0-1). Discussion of increasing number of administrators, comparison of 9 month and 12 month salaries, need for external data. 2) FAC recommendations: Library Constitution -- Approved (Harper, Hopkins 32-0-1). Discussion of deans’ status as voting faculty members. School of Technology Constitution – Approved (Muyumba, Gregory 33-0-1). 3) SAC recommendations: Drop-Add procedure—Approved (Hightower, Harmon 33-0-1). Syllabus statement on Americans with Disabilities Act—Approved (Jakaitis, Harmon 16-15-2). Discussion of other ways to inform students and faculty. 4) Affirmative Action Sexual Harassment Policy: Received and noted (Hudson, Harmon 25-3-2). Suggestions will be forwarded to the Affirmative Action Officer. VII. Fifteen Minute Open Discussion No discussion. VIII. Standing Committee Reports No reports given. Meeting adjourned at 5:07 p.m. Last modified: May 20, 2008  Copyright © 2009 by Indiana State University.