skip to main content Indiana State University University Faculty Senate EC#3 Approved,. September 12, Minutes Indiana State University Faculty Senate 2006-07 Time: 3:15 p.m. Place: Hulman Memorial Student Union 227 Present: Chairperson S. Lamb, Vice Chair B. Evans, Secretary C. Hoffman S. Davis, B. Frank, A. Halpern, J. Hughes, M. Miller, T. Mulkey Ex-Officio: Provost J. Maynard Visitors: C. Rogers (Payroll), R. Schneirov (FAC), S. Loughlin (TH Tribune-Star) I. Administrative Report – Provost Maynard President Benjamin will address the University on Wed. All are encouraged to attend. II. Chair Report – S. Lamb Standing Committee replacements: SAC - K. Heath is on leave. Julie Dixon will serve. FAC - J. Harper listed in error. R. Genarro will serve. "We have enrollment data for discussion in our 15 minute period. Those data will be included in the minutes so that the University community is aware of our five-year trend. Headcount and FTE Fall 2001 - Fall 2006 All Students Undergraduates Graduate Students First-time Freshmen First-time Transfers Fall Headcnt FTE Headcnt FTE Headcnt FTE Headcnt FTE Headcnt FTE 2006 10568 8832.3 8537 7725.5 2031 1106.8 1703 1694.4 666 540.4 2005 10679 9122.3 8670 8000.3 2009 1122.0 1642 1658.1 675 571.3 2004 11200 9609.3 9321 8589.3 1879 1019.9 1851 1864.6 678 575.8 2003 11360 9818.7 9615 8864.4 1745 954.3 2016 2016.8 689 580.6 2002 11714 10047.1 9997 9086.6 1717 960.5 2140 2129.8 707 601.7 2001 11321 9639.0 9734 8763.3 1587 875.7 2211 2147.0 713 585.6 5-yr change - 6.7% - 8.4% - 12.3% - 11.8% + 28.0% + 26.4% - 23.0% - 21.1% - 6.6% - 7.7% OSPIRE Sept. 11, 2006 We are 36 FTE first-time freshmen up, and 31 FTE first-time transfers down from last year. This is a net change of + 5 first-time freshmen and transfers. EC # 3, 9/12/06 Page 2 We were at a high of 10,047 FTE students in the fall of 2002. In fall 2006, we are at an all-time FTE low for all students of 8,832. We have lost a total of 1,215 FTE students since 2002, a percentage loss of 12%. We have had a percentage loss of 8.4% FTE students since 2001. We have had a 21% reduction in first-time freshmen since 2001. We have had good growth (26.4%) over the last five years in the number of FTE graduate students. I am very hopeful that the quality of graduate students is as high or higher than it was in 2001. I would appreciate seeing some breakdown of admission scores over the five years. We must continue to place massive effort on building and marketing a positive image of ISU. I am personally pleased that the new Vice President position for enrollment management, marketing, and communication is being formed. I continue to hear from faculty from the nursing domain who wonder why are there not resources coming into their arena. They are able to easily quote statistics comparing the student faculty ratio that exists in our nursing programs to other nursing programs that allow one to conclude that our nursing college is greatly understaffed. While nursing programs are expensive, the state recognizes the fact that Indiana has a great shortage of nurses. One would think, (or perhaps wish), that resources would follow a recognized need. The barrier to nursing student enrollment appears to be a shortage of nursing faculty." III. Fifteen Minute Open Discussion 1) ENROLLMENT – points discussed: -- Current data (distributed to the Committee and available online) show cause for concern. -- Many other institutions are having similar problems. -- IVTech influences our numbers. -- State funding is not currently affected – ISU is a "stable campus" and remains within its "bracket." -- State funding is based on Indiana FTE (Indiana residents, including distance ed. and those incarcerated. We have no reciprocal agreements with other states, so IL and other out-of- state students are not included. -- An enrollment "advisory task force" should include faculty. -- Information about total funding over time (tuition + state funds) would be helpful. Provost: Additional data are being compiled and will be forthcoming. 2) MARKETING -- For "image improvement" we should market particular programs at ISU. Current content is too general. -- EMG contract for media buys has been extended for one year. -- Changing an image is a long-term project. -- ISU does not have the visibility provided other schools. Lack of billboards noted. 3) COMPENSATION -- What are prospects for salary increases? Provost: President Benjamin will address this in his address 9-13-06. 4) OTHER MATTERS Difficulty of hiring faculty with so little lead time – We are losing good candidates. EC # 3, 9/12/06 Page 3 Science building – Issues identified by recent evacuation Emergency response and subsequent evacuation too slow Safety and Security: Inadequate notice of dangers and inadequate protection (venomous reptiles, toxic substances, etc.) Bio-Safety Committee notification lacking Provost: Protocols exist but were not followed. The matter is being pursued. IV. Minutes #2 (8-29-06) APPROVED as amended (Davis, Mulkey 9-0-0) V. Information Item: C. Rogers (Payroll) distributed and explained proposed electronic distribution of pay stub information. Security is a major concern. Information is also available via employee ISU Portal account, but some staff rarely use the Portal. Electronic distribution has the potential to save approx. $4K per year. Implementation sequence: 1) Student payroll, 2) Monthly payroll, 3) Support Staff payroll. Some support staff issues remain and are being addressed. QUESTION: Can the first pay date for new employees be changed from Oct. 1 to Sept. 1 ? -- This is a distinct need and means to implement a change are being examined. VI. Faculty Affairs Committee recommendations: 1) Faculty enrollment in classes R. Schneirov was invited to the table (acclamation). Based on multiple documents over a two-year period, considerable discussion followed. Points supporting change: -- Other schools encourage enrollments by faculty. "Cross-training" can be valuable. -- Faculty are benefited with opportunities for self improvement and advanced certification. -- Taking an occasional course and seeking a degree are not equivalent situations. -- The University will benefit by being able to "cherry pick" from its graduate students. Points opposed to change: -- Perceptions of "nepotism and cronyism" are possible. -- Many institutions will not hire faculty with in-house degrees. -- Faculty will be evaluating their peers: Objectivity and professionalism may be questioned. Difficult situation for untenured faculty -- Case-by-case decisions will not be practical. Relaxing the current prohibition will likely produce a blanket endorsement. MOVE TO SUBSTITUTE (after several friendly amendments): "A faculty member in a professional college may not enroll in a course in his/her own college. A faculty member in the College of Arts and Sciences may not enroll in a course in his/her own department. Exceptions require permission of the provost. An annual report of exceptions will be provided by the provost to the Executive Committee." Substitution and main motion: APPROVED (Evans, Frank 6-3-0). EC # 3, 9/12/06 Page 4 2) Handbook Language for Grievance and Dismissal Procedures for Special Purpose and Part-time Temporary Faculty Item #1: Proposed Handbook language (II-14, sec. 5) - re: grievances: "In cases where a grievance has been filed by a special purpose or part-time temporary faculty member, the Special Purpose and Part-Time Temporary Faculty Advocate shall serve as a sixth member of the grievance committee with a speaking but nonvoting seat." Discussion focused on rights and privileges appropriate to non-tenure-track faculty and what would be grounds for a grievance. APPROVED (Miller, Davis 8-0-1) Item #2: Proposed Handbook language (II-11, sec. XI) – re: dismissal procedures: To insert: "…or a special-purpose faculty appointment whose term appointment has not expired …" No motion to approve. Informal discussion produced a consensus that the Handbook does not make clear the "faculty" status of special-purpose appointments. By consensus: Return this item to FAC for clarification and hold Item #1 for further consideration after the FAC response. VII. Old Business Standing Committee Charges Discussion, editing, and approval: Faculty Economic Benefits (Hughes, Miller 9-0-0) Grad Council (Halpern, Miller 9-0-0) Student Affairs (Hughes, Miller 9-0-0) University Research (Mulkey, Halpern 8-0-0) VIII. New Business - none The meeting adjourned at 5:34 p.m. (Miller, Hoffman – voice vote) Respectfully submitted, C. Hoffman, Secretary Last modified: September 09, 2008 ο»Ώ Copyright © 2009 by Indiana State University.