skip to main content Indiana State University University Faculty Senate EC#7 Approved,. October 17, Minutes Indiana State University Faculty Senate 2006-07 Time: 3:15 p.m. Place: Hulman Memorial Student Union 227 Present: Chairperson S. Lamb, Vice Chair B. Evans, Secretary C. Hoffman S. Davis, B. Frank, A. Halpern, J. Hughes, M. Miller, T. Mulkey Ex-Officio: Provost J. Maynard Visitors: K. Schmid, H. Hudson, R. Schneirov I. Administrative Report 1) The University has received two awards – one state and one national: "Community Spirit Award" (state) – for work with and accommodation of persons with disabilities "President's Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll" (national) -- for service related to hurricane Katrina 2) Faculty searches: 32 positions ($1.8M) approved 3) Temporary faculty pool will increase by $500K – an "add back" of some funds diverted to other uses ($1M last year) 4) Chair's Retreat on "leadership development" scheduled for next week 5) Budget presentations were made to the Commission on Higher Education on 10/13. -- ISU requested $3M for Quality Improvement ($1.5M for Faculty + $1.5M for Health Professions) 6) Consultants on Health Professions will be on campus 10/23 – open forum in Dede III II. Chair Report 1) $1.5M compensation pool distribution – FEBC endorsed a plan similar to Exec. Committee recommendation 2) Three current deans are "interim" and a fourth has now resigned. "The recent resignation of Dean Green has caused trauma across the University Community. Those people who are in administrative positions and vulnerable are dismayed and speaking among themselves. Faculty are shocked and are speaking out. The entire University community is reeling, --has been brought to its knees once again. How can we have a positive outlook when one of our most talented leaders is frustrated to the point he must resign?" EC # 7, 10/17/06 Page 2 III. Fifteen Minute Open Discussion 1) Participation in on-line library survey (LibQUAL) and book sale encouraged 2) When will search begin for Director of Diversity / Affirmative Action? Provost: Search for HR director will come first. No immediate plans for Diversity/AA 3) College of Business faculty have met to discuss their situation and are preparing a response. -- effect of resignation on Motorsports Initiative and Financial Services programs questioned -- one prominent family supporting ISU has indicated it will terminate its support Provost: will consult Business faculty; initiatives will go forward and R. Green will assist Question: What dean candidates would be willing to come here under current conditions? Summary of several responses: -- only those unwise, uninformed, or ill-advised would consider coming here now. Noted: We should determine causes of the mass exodus and address those causes. 4) AAUP Fall Forum (10/18) – "Collective Bargaining…" – attendance encouraged -- brief discussion of impact on faculty governance 5) Committee expressed appreciation to FEBC for its recommendation re: distribution of the $1.5M one-time funds IV. MINUTES of 10/10/06 -- APPROVED as amended (Miller, Halpern 9-0-0) V. Faculty Affairs Recommendations: H. Hudson and R. Schneirov were invited to the table. Revisions to Policy Document on Special Purpose and Part-Time Faculty: 1) Section II, Art. XIV: In two places replace "(tenured or untenured)" with "(tenured, tenure-track, special purpose, and part-time temporary faculty)" APPROVED as amended (Halpern, Mulkey 9-0-0) 2) Section II, Art. XI: Revise to read: " When reason arises to question the fitness of a University faculty member who has tenure or a tenure-track appointment, or a special purpose faculty member whose term appointment has not expired, the appropriate administrative officers …." APPROVED (Halpern, Miller 9-0-0) VI. Old Business Prioritization Timeline (Discussion Item) – K. Schmid was invited to the table. Points addressed: -- Nov. 17 deadline for Senate and committee responses to Provost – too short? (CAAC and Grad. Council need time to respond.) -- Responses are to focus on the "process," not on individual proposed changes. -- Timeline has already been extended at request of faculty governance. -- Detailed list of specific proposed changes should be available for final faculty comment before going to the Board of Trustees for approval. -- Implementation of changes will take time and will require further involvement of CAAC and Grad. Council. EC # 7, 10/17/06 Page 3 VII. New Business Task Force on the First Year (TAFFY) – Recommendations (Discussion) 1) Creation of a "University College" Points: Success of first-year students should be main focus How to best "organize ourselves" for most effective use of resources Consensus: Send proposal to AAC, CAAC, and SAC for consideration 2) Academic Advising of First-Year Students Brief discussion. Consensus: Send proposal to SAC and FAC for consideration 3) Faculty candidates to serve on search committee for Asst. VP, Human Relations --The Committee selected seven candidates. 4) Replacement faculty for service on standing committees: -- The Committee selected replacements for SAC and URC (consensus) The Committee went into Executive Session (Frank, Halpern 8-0-0). The Committee came out of Executive Session and adjourned at 5:37 p.m. (Halpern, Hughes 7-0-0). Respectfully submitted, C. Hoffman, Secretary Last modified: September 09, 2008  Copyright © 2009 by Indiana State University.