skip to main content Indiana State University University Faculty Senate EC#12 Approved,. December 5, Minutes Indiana State University Faculty Senate 2006-07 Time: 3:15 p.m. Place: Hulman Memorial Student Union 307 Present: Chairperson S. Lamb, Vice Chair B. Evans, Secretary C. Hoffman, S. Davis, B. Frank, A. Halpern, J. Hughes, M. Miller, T. Mulkey Ex-Officio: Provost Maynard Guests: Sr. A. M. Anderson (CAAC), M. Green (Special Asst. to the Provost), C. Rogers (Payroll), C. MacDonald (Grad. Council) I. Administrative Report – Provost Maynard 1) Admissions: Spring 07: Admits up 10%; Confirmed up 8% Fall 07: Applications up 10%; Admits up 20% 2) Dean Search - College of Business 9-member committee - 7 faculty and 2 off-campus members C. McLaren will chair 3) Protection from snakes in Science building [ongoing concern] -- Security is being enhanced. Information will be distributed to affected faculty. II. Chair Report - none III. Fifteen Minute Open Discussion 1) M. Miller read the following statement: UPCOMING CHANGES IN THE LIBRARY Effective January 1, 2007, the library will merge the documents service desk into the main reference desk on the first floor. This will provide a centralized source for all informational and reference questions. The former documents librarian will be moved to the reference department where she will handle reference duties, but will still continue working with documents questions as one of her reference specialties. She will also be available for appointments when in-depth documents assistance is needed. The support staff documents technician (who largely maintains documents within our online catalog) will continue doing her same work, but will be administratively part of the catalog department. The public service desk area on the lower level which currently handles documents questions will be removed, since this function will be handled on the main floor. The cataloging department will move to this area over the course of Spring, 2007, thus freeing up prime user space on the main floor for community engagement events and other uses. A current reference librarian is having her duties changed immediately to ‘electronic resources librarian’. The move of the documents librarian to reference will fill in this gap. We have needed a professional position to tend to our large and growing electronic resources, but cannot secure a new position to do this. Therefore, we need to re-focus the work of current personnel. These changes are consonant with national trends and help us to fit more easily into the Indiana state-wide plan for greater access to documents. The campus community will learn more about this through the use of letters to faculty, global e-mails, and signage within the library. These changes will assist us in providing better service within the constraints of our reduced faculty position lines. Myrna McCallister Dean of the Library November 29, 2006 EC # 12, 12/5/06 Page 2 Fifteen Minute Open Discussion (Library - cont'd) Staff changes: -- Former Government Documents librarian (K. Gaul) will become a Reference/Instruction Librarian, with a sub-specialty in government documents. -- An "Electronic Services Librarian" position has been created. A Reference/Instruction librarian (J. Kerico) will move to this position. Discussion: What was the process, and did appropriate Library faculty have input ? -- Dean appointed an ad hoc committee to consider to review Government Documents services, resources, and staffing -- Former Government Documents librarian had a speaking seat (no vote) on the committee -- Library Administrative Affairs Committee (LAAC) was not involved in the Task Force work Concerns expressed: -- Reorganizational changes are within the purview of the LAAC. -- A Library Faculty Assembly vote of approval should be a matter of record. -- All concerned parties should be involved. -- Procedures described in Dean McCallister's statement violate the University Handbook. The structure of the University with reference to academic matters is within the primary authority of the faculty. CAAC deals with most items of this primary authority, specifically "Establishment and abolition, merger and subdivision…." Policies of the University Library are explicitly included (Sec. II-III, 4-5). Consensus: Handbook procedures are binding on the Library; any reorganization must follow those procedures. Required sequence for reorganization: 1) LAAC 2) Library Faculty Assembly 3) CAAC (University level) 4) Exec. Committee 5) Faculty Senate M. Miller will advise Dean McCallister. 2) Hard copy of the Schedule of Classes will continue to be published. 3) Eighteen additional one-time payments ($1100) have been made to full-time non-tenure- track faculty. This resolves concerns expressed at the Exec. Comm., Faculty Senate, and elsewhere, and has resulted in a considerable boost in morale among those faculty. 4) Admissions is today hosting 87 prospective students from East Chicago. Those applying for admission will have responses before they leave campus. 5) The New York Times has named Dean McCallister "Academic Librarian of the Year." She will be honored at a presentation ceremony and reception. Provost Maynard acknowledged the excellent work of all library personnel in achieving this recognition for the Dean and the University. 6) The Enrollment Task Force will be revived. EC # 12, 12/5/06 Page 3 IV. Approval of the Minutes – Minutes #11 (Nov. 28): APPROVED (Frank, Evans 9-0-0) V. Payroll Calendar – Information item C. Rogers and M. Green provided an overview and explanation. Change: The faculty annual salary will be divided into 10 payments (rather than 9) and the first payday will be Sept. 1. The 12-pay option remains. Concerns: Faculty will not be going to 10-month contracts; they will work the same number of days. Because faculty will receive one additional pay in the Fall term, individual adjustments in tax withholding may be necessary. ACCEPTED (Mulkey, Frank 9-0-0). Item will go to the Senate for information. C. Rogers will attend. VI. Old Business CAAC and Graduate Council responses to the Program Prioritization process. S. Anderson and C. MacDonald summarized the documents, explained the recommendations, and answered questions. Committee members expressed appreciation for the thorough and prompt responses of the two standing committees, and expressed hope that the statements will be given serious consideration by the administration. ACCEPTED (Miller, Mulkey 9-0-0). The documents will be posted with other Prioritization materials. VII. New Business - none Additional Discussion: Special-Purpose Faculty – Questions raised: – Why has the number of full-time Instructors and multi-year contracts declined? -- Have total hours taught decreased? -- Have courses been transferred to full-time faculty? Provost's response: Decisions are made at the college level. In general: Funding is an issue. Some regular faculty are teaching more. Some course limits have been raised. Some former "Instructors" were reappointed as one-semester "Lecturers." The Provost will examine the data and report back. The Committee went into executive session (Hughes, Halpern 9-0-0). The Committee came out of executive session and adjourned at 4:45 p.m. (Davis, Miller 9-0-0). Respectfully submitted, C. Hoffman, Secretary Last modified: September 09, 2008  Copyright © 2009 by Indiana State University.