skip to main content Indiana State University University Faculty Senate EC#15 Approved January 16, Minutes Indiana State University Faculty Senate 2006-07 Time: 3:15 p.m. Place: Hulman Memorial Student Union 227 Present: Chairperson S. Lamb, Vice Chair B. Evans, Secretary C. Hoffman, S. Davis, B. Frank, A. Halpern, J. Hughes, M. Miller, T. Mulkey Ex-Officio: Provost Maynard Guests: R. Schneirov (Faculty Affairs Committee) I. Administrative Report – Provost Maynard 1) Official enrollment figures: Overall enrollment is down 3.1% (compared to Spring 2006). SCH numbers are down 3.9%. ( " ). Retention is a major concern. Multiple causes are possible. We need more precise information about those causes. Detailed enrollment figures will be distributed. 2) Three majors (Art History, Philosophy, Physics) have been identified for elimination. An announcement will be forthcoming. The change will phase out the degrees, but keep the service courses with existing faculty. Each department had been encouraged to find another solution, such as a merger with another department, but no acceptable alternatives had been proposed. 3) A Global announcement has been distributed concerning the merging of Nursing and HHP into a new college, the College of Nursing, Health and Human Services. II. Chair Report - S. Lamb 1) HHP / Nursing and eliminations of majors – Changes in academic programs are in the primary authority of the faculty. It is most important that these proposals follow prescribed governance procedures, which require discussion and advice from appropriate standing committees and the Faculty Senate. [The Provost responded that he intends to follow prescribed procedures, but that he also intends to take changes to the Board of Trustees in February. Concerns were raised about the short time frame to complete processes mandated by the University Handbook.] 2) Stressed the need to follow prescribed procedures concerning the majors in physics, philosophy, and art history. Academic restructuring is in the domain of primary authority. Requested that department faculty be flexible and propose alternative arrangements as they work to keep the majors viable. [The Provost indicated that the departments have a limited time to process alternative proposals through faculty governance.] EC # 15, 1/16/07 Page 2 Chair Report (cont): 3) Reported a most pleasant lunch with Tim O'Neill, Interim President of the ISU Foundation, and was updated on ongoing Foundation activities. Mr. O'Neill wants to involve faculty on the Foundation Board, and will attend a future meeting of the Exec. Comm. to provide additional information about Foundation activities. III. Fifteen Minute Open Discussion 1) HHP + Nursing – Points addressed: Significant new resources are required for this merger to be successful. What are the funding sources? -- All the "initiatives" so far proposed have not identified clear savings. -- If we eliminate majors we will lose faculty but not recoup sufficient money. Provost – Resources must come from internal reallocation and external sources, including grants, which may require hiring a grant writer. -- Additional fees may be required for specific courses and for admissions. Both types of fees are common at other institutions. How much actual support exists in the current colleges? Is there a need to rush? Should changes occur now or wait for a likely change in administration in July 2008? Provost – Time is short. We need to get going. The Board of Trustees does not meet in March. Wishes to take to Trustees on Feb. 23. Given current conditions here, can ISU attract a quality person as dean of the proposed college, especially on short notice? A full year of preparation might be necessary to prepare for the change. Provost – The search could take longer than 6-8 months; current interim deans could continue. -- A search firm will be engaged to assist. -- The search will take as long as necessary to get the right person. 2) Effects of proposed changes: How will program eliminations affect the University? What is our "mission"? Are we altering our very nature ? Can ISU call itself a "university" without departments of philosophy and physics ? Provost – Recent information from the Commission on Higher Education (CHE) indicates that the CHE is serious about establishing a clear and distinct mission for each state school. In late summer, a framework for a "mission focus," which would mandate a unique mission for each institution, is expected. -- The CHE is not supportive of additional recreational / social space, though the ISU Recreation Center will have outside funding. That project, though delayed, is expected to be approved after some cost reductions. EC # 15, 1/16/07 Page 3 Fifteen Minute Open Discussion (cont): 3) When will we see evidence of cuts in administration and non-academic programs? What about adjustments in athletic programs as a source of funding? Provost – Non-academic sources are being considered. -- The possibility of adjustment to the football program has been raised. IV. Approval of the Minutes – Minutes #14 (1/9/07): APPROVED as amended (Evans, Davis 9-0-0) V. Faculty Affairs Committee – Response to Provost's "Proposal: Rewarding Faculty Excellence" R. Schneirov was invited to the table and summarized the FAC recommendations. 1) Do not fragment the awards. Keep the existing three awards. 2) Excellence in service should continue to be broadly defined. 3) Existing names should be retained for the awards in teaching and research. 4) College committees and college-level recognitions, if implemented, should rely on established structures and processes. The Library should be included in the award structure. 5) University-wide peer review should be retained. 6) External experts should not be sole reviewers. 7) Awards should be added to base salary. The proposal will be considered at the next Exec. Comm. meeting, to which H. Hudson, and R. English will be invited. VI. Old Business - none VI. New Business The Committee selected a replacement for a vacancy on the Faculty Affairs Committee (acclamation). VII. Standing Committee Reports FAC – A proposal to deny graduation to students with incompletes will be forthcoming. The Committee went into executive session (Frank, Halpern 8-0-0). The Committee came out of executive session and adjourned at 5:00 p.m. (Halpern, Mulkey 9-0-0). Respectfully submitted, C. Hoffman, Secretary Last modified: September 09, 2008  Copyright © 2009 by Indiana State University.