skip to main content Indiana State University University Faculty Senate UFS#1 Approved September 23, 2004. August 26, Minutes Indiana State University Faculty Senate 2004-05 Time: 3:15 p.m. Place: HMSU, Dede III Officers: Chairperson H. Hudson, Secretary Sr. A. Anderson Senators: V. Anderson, M. Bahr, F. Bell, J. Buffington, D. Burger, P. Burkett, A. DiSalvo, B. Evans, A. Ford, B. Frank, J. Gatrell, D. Gravitt, E. Hampton, D. Hews, P. Hightower, C. Hoffman, N. Hopkins, J. Hughes, J. Jakaitis, R. Johnson, J. Kuhlman, C. MacDonald, R. McGiverin, C. Montanez, T. Mulkey, S. Pontius, S. Sharp, V. Sheets, S. Shure, J.Tenerelli, P. Wheeler Absent: J. Allen, K. Byerman, M. Harmon, S. Lamb, M. Ould-Mey, Q. Weng Ex-Officio: Provost Maynard I. Administrative Report Provost Maynard: 1) welcomed Senators—President Benjamin was attending the Board of Trustees retreat and meetings of the Foundation Board; 2) conveyed appreciation for work of the Senate over the summer; 3) noted funding from the Lilly Foundation targeted for retention of faculty and students; 4) a new faculty orientation was held last week—around 33 new faculty members this fall; 5) the “Back to School” picnic had a large attendance and activities went well; 6) R. Jefferson has been placed in temporary service in the position vacated by R. Antonak; Provost’s intention is to hire a consultant this fall to review the academic affairs division for better organization. II. Chair Report Chair Hudson: 1) welcomed Senators; 2) thanked Senate standing committees for summer work and those attending the Administrative Retreat; 3) an orientation for new senators was held on August 23rd; 4) items approved this summer by the Board of Trustee were noted—Special Purpose Faculty and Part-time Temporary Faculty Recommendations approved by the Senate last spring and an increase in the overload stipend for regular faculty making it equal to the stipend of special purpose faculty; 5) work is near completion on charges for the standing committees; 6) relayed some procedural guidelines for conducting Senate meetings. III. SGA Report No report. IV. Fifteen Minute Open Discussion 1) A request for follow-up on activities undertaken to address the drop in retention—this request had been made at last spring’s February Senate meeting with indication from the Provost that OSPIRE had been asked to provide him with information. The Provost will give feedback at next month’s meeting. 2) Now that the Compensation Committee’s report is available on-line, inquiry as to the future plans for implementing recommendations. UFS #1, 8/24/04, Page 2 The Provost relayed the Board of Trustees desired quick action and presently discussions continue on next course of action with target date yet to be determined. 3) Concern and discontent with new system to allocate rooms expressed. V. Senate Actions 1) Elected by acclamation Senate Parliamentarian, J. Tenerelli. (Anderson, Bell 33-0-1) 2) Approved Standing Committee slates. (Hopkins, Hoffman 33-0-1) Senators reporting at Senate meetings were asked to provide reports in writing for the minutes. 3) Approved All University Committee faculty slates. (Hopkins, Hoffman 33-0-1) VI. Standing Committee Recommendations Graduate Council: Probation Policy “A student whose grade point average drops below a 3.0 (3.25 or 3.5 in certain programs) will be placed on probation for 9 credit hours. If at the end of the 9 credit hours of probation, the student’s grade point average is still below the required level, the student will be dismissed from the academic program. A student who is placed on academic probation or dismissed from their academic program may request a review of the case by the Graduate Student Appeals Committee of the Graduate Council.” Approved. (Gatrell, Gravitt 33-0-1) Discussion: appeals will be considered on a case by case basis within the appeal process. Application Process 1) The language should be changed to “Expedited Graduate Application Process” rather than Automatic Acceptance. 2) The $35 application fee for continuing ISU students should be waived. 3) Currently enrolled ISU students and alumni should not have to request a separate official transcript be sent to the graduate school. The application form should reflect whether the student is an ISU student/alumni, therefore, transcripts are available. In addition, it should be stated on the application form that departmental requirements may be more stringent than the University requirements. 4) Undergraduate students who have completed 94 credit hours or above (senior standing) who meet the minimum graduate school and departmental requirements could be pre-admitted into a graduate program of study. If admitted, these students could enroll in a maximum of 9 credit hours of 500 or above courses at the discretion of the program. These courses would count as undergraduate elective hours and be counted towards completing graduate level coursework at the discretion of the program. 5) To assist with the expedited acceptance process a survey should be mailed to all appropriate Departmental Chairs and/or Graduate coordinators to gain feedback on the current application process. This survey would include input and potential suggestions for improvement on the application form itself as well as the process once a student has applied. Approved as amended (friendly amendments in italics). (Evans, DiSalvo 26-6-1) Minority: concern with undergraduate students receiving 18 credit hours (9 undergraduate and 9 graduate) for completion of 9 credit hours of coursework; undergraduate students enrolled in graduate courses before completing undergraduate program; enrollments should be limited to 600 level courses. The meeting adjourned at 4:12 p.m. Last modified: May 20, 2008  Copyright © 2009 by Indiana State University.