skip to main content Indiana State University University Faculty Senate UFS#7 Approved March 17, 2004. February 17 Minutes Indiana State University Faculty Senate 2004-05 Time: 3:15 p.m. Place: HMSU, Dede III Officers: Chairperson H. Hudson, Vice Chair S. Lamb, Secretary Sr. A. Anderson Senators: J. Allen, C. Amlaner, M. Bahr, E. Bermudez, M. Brennan, J. Buffington, D. Burger, K. Byerman, J. Conant, A. DiSalvo, B. Evans, A. Ford, B. Frank, D. Gravitt, M. Harmon, D. Hews, P. Hightower, C. Hoffman, J. Hughes, J. Kuhlman, C. MacDonald, R. McGiverin, C. Montanez, T. Mulkey, M. Ould-Mey, S. Pontius, V. Sheets, S. Shure, Q. Weng Absent: V. Anderson, N. Corey, J. Gatrell, E. Hampton, N. Hopkins, R. Johnson, S. Sharp, P. Wheeler Ex-Officio: B. English Visitors: W. Dando I. Memorial A memorial for Samuel Smith was read and accepted by acclamation. II. Administrative Report B. English: 1) campus budget presentations will take place February 21, 22, and 23; 2) sabbatical leaves are being reviewed; 35 leave applications were submitted; 3) faculty participation in the Engagement Event held in early February was low; the administration is considering whether to continue; suggestions for more faculty involvement are being sought. III. Chair Report Chair Hudson: 1) appointments to the Notebook Initiative Committee have been made; 2) the faculty representative on the Dean’s Evaluation Committee has been made; 3) the Executive Committee has responded to the President regarding the draft Compensation Plan; 4) noted the timeline for submission of faculty annual reports—received yesterday with a two-week window for submission; notification could have been more timely; 5) encouraged Senators to attend the budget presentations. IV. SGA Report M. McManama: SGA elections are now ongoing; voting will occur next Monday thru Wednesday; participating in a college concert promotion with the Terre Haute Symphony; participating in the Collegiate Readership Program; a student referendum for the new recreation center project will take place March 15. V. Fifteen Minute Open Discussion 1) B. English confirmed that the University has not committed to any vendor on the Notebook Initiative. 2) Concern that the sports program is being expanded during a time of great budget constraint—addition of women’s golf for Title Nine compliance; a relatively inexpensive addition to the University scholarship sports. 3) Language enunciation issues in classroom presentations a concern for students. UFS #7, 2/17/05, Page 2 VI. Approval of the Minutes Minutes of the January 20, 2005, meeting were approved as amended. (Hoffman, Kuhlman 31-0-1) VII. Handbook Language: Deans’ Reviews Approved. (Hightower, Kuhlman 31-0-1) Background: The Faculty Affairs Committee forwarded to the Executive Committee a response to the ad hoc committee’s Evaluation of Deans Report. The Executive Committee used the response to formulate the Handbook language under consideration. Discussion: 1) noted that if a dean had not been evaluated during his/her tenure, assessment should be for the full term. Thereafter, review would be on the three years since last review; 2) committee composition—whether non-tenured faculty could serve; consensus of ad hoc committee was that this is not a personnel committee but functions as an information gathering body, so they would not be precluded serving; 3) provost would confirm the two members nominated by the dean and review committee. VIII. Standing Committee Reports AAC: met once; discussed how results of the Professional Satisfaction Survey would be analyzed. AEC: met three times; made awards. CAAC: met four times; took action on nine curricular items and worked on charges. FAC: met once; developed the slate of faculty for the faculty grievance hearing pool. FEBC: met once; elected D. Gravitt as the new chair. Grad Council: met twice; working on the transfer credit policy, curricular issues and program reviews. SAC: met once; letters are being sent to faculty to encourage contributions to the Faculty Scholarship. URC: received spring grant proposals, deadline was Monday, Feb 1. The meeting adjourned at 4:37 p.m. Last modified: May 20, 2008  Copyright © 2009 by Indiana State University.