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Stemmans, Student members: Ex-officio: D. Collins, S. Gick, H. Hudson, L. Maule, B. McLaren Executive Committee Liaison: SAMy Anderson Absent: S. Kiger: Meeting, D. Worley: Conference Guests: S. Pontius, N. Farha, H. Chi M. Murphy called the meeting to order at 3:05 PM. 1. A motion to approve the minutes of meeting #6, 12-9-08, was made and passed, 5-0-1, (Peters/Rosenhein). 2. N. Farha presented the proposal from Electronics, Computer, and Mechanical Engineering Technology for revision of the Information Technology Major. 3. S. Pontius and H. Chi presented the proposed replacement of the COMPASS Test with MAPLE T.A. by Math and Computer Science. The questions are to be generated by the Math Department Faculty. Results are reported directly into Banner. Students will be encouraged to take the test prior to coming to ISU, they will only need their 991 number to log-in. The exam will also be offered during Sycamore Advantage. Students with a SAT Math score of a 430 or above (or the ACT equivalent) may enroll directly into MATH 102. The exam may be taken up to three times. It was suggested that a practice exam and a study guide should be made available to the students prior to actually taking the test. It was further noted that MA 010 and MA 011 will be offered on-line during second summer so students may make up deficiencies. 4. H. Hudson reported on the progress from the sub-committee for the creation of definitions and what constitutes Colleges, Schools, and Departments at Indiana State University. The group has been looking at various models. In the fiscal environment, the hope is to avoid another level of administration, there would have to be real value added. A frame-work will have to be established. A School may be a value added if it allows for synergistic relationships between various areas providing a horizontal rather than a vertical relationship. Of course, factors as an endowment, common nomenclature at other universities, etc. will be taken into consideration. There will be a need for Handbook language to clarify what a School would be and what would possibly constitute such a division. There are, of course, Banner implications. 5. M. Murphy reported on the Task Force on Reorganization. The group met and began defining the problem. Clarification was sought from the Senate Executive Committee. If governance, department, and a Dean agree there is a problem with a unit, then the College Faculty Governance should work with the Dean in a collaborative effort to develop a plan and proposed action. The governance and Dean must approach the problem together. Language must be developed to provide the guidelines for both. 6. SAMy Anderson provided a report from the Executive Committee. The COB and COT changes to their Constitutions, electronics Thesis/Dissertations, and Graduate Appeals documents were all approved. Several Handbook changes and By-laws modifications were also passed. 7. L. Maule discussed the present status of the General Education Task Force. The Foundational Studies program has been introduced to the campus through a Statesman article. The GE Task Force has approved the document. The GE Council has met and approved approximately half of the document. The Council will continue through the approval process. It should be coming to CAAC in March. 8. M. Murphy reported on the NCA progress. They have been in preparation through data collection, criterion area development and other efforts. A series of sub-committees have been tasked to provide “fat bullets” to tag the data. The writing will be done by the Faculty Fellow. The due date is just prior to Spring Break. 9. Old Business: S. Gick stated that the Minus Grade Policy has bee finalized and approved and will take effect this coming Fall term. The catalog is being screened for statements concerning GPA’s that may be affected by the new policy. The trial four-day schedule will be carried out through the summer. 10. New Business: C. Stemmans reported that the Center for Public Engagement is emphasizing the “SL” designation for the Service Learning courses. Deans are being asked to make sure all qualifying courses are appropriately marked. Those requesting the designation should apply through the Center. Currently, there are 22 approved courses. The documentation is on the Center web site under Faculty Resources. 11. A motion to suspend the rules and allow immediate consideration of proposals was made and passed, 6-0-0, (Malooley/Peters). 12. A motion to approve the proposal from Electronics, Computer, and Mechanical Engineering Technology for revision of the Information Technology Major was made and passed, 6-0-0, (Malooley/Stemmans). Publish in Academic Notes as approved. 13. A motion to approve the proposed replacement of the COMPASS Test with MAPLE T.A. by Math and Computer Science was made and passed, 6-0-0, (Peters/Stemmans). Forward to Senate Executive Committee for consideration. 14. The committee adjourned at 5:14 PM. Respectfully Submitted David J. Malooley, Secretary back to top 200 North Seventh Street, Terre Haute, Indiana, USA 47809-9989 Copyright © 2009 by Indiana State University. 1-800-GO-TO-ISU | 1-800-468-6478