University Faculty Senate
Faculty Economic Benefits
Committee (FEBC)
Nobel Corey, Chair
September 24th, 2010
Indiana State University
Faculty Senate 2010-11
Printer Version
1.Call to Order:
N. Corey called the meeting to order at 9:00 AM.
agenda was adopted by consensus.
3.Discussion with Provost Jack Maynard:
Provost Maynard explained how CIP codes were assigned to all ISU faculty,
using CIP codes of faculty at three peer institutions to inform the assignments.
These CIP assignments were reviewed by the Deans. President Bradley had charged
the Provost with making sure each ISU salary was at least 80% of the median
salary for same CIP code at these peer institutions. Adjustments were then made
for any salaries that fell below the 80% of median cutoff. During the
discussion, N. Corey raised the concern that these adjustments might bring an
Associate Professor’s salary above that of a Full Professor in the same
department in some instances. Provost Maynard explained that in any cases like
this the Full Professor’s salary would be adjusted to remedy the situation.
Provost Maynard stated that although the adjustments that have been made are
not perfect, the new compensation system will be fairer than the previous
system. K. Bolinger expressed concerns about salary compression created by
the new compensation system and suggested that years of service be included
in the formula when calculating new salaries. Provost Maynard acknowledged
that the new system does not fix all the problems, but he believes that it will
be fairer in the long term. He also explained that Deans will be given $75K
to deal with special cases that they deem to be significant, and his office is
working on a performance-based model as a tool for future consideration. A. M.
Badar expressed concern about newly hired faculty, specifically temporary
faculty, who are hired at high salaries due to the current market in a given
field. Provost Maynard explained that Deans and Chairpersons make decisions
about salaries necessary to secure temporary faculty. He reiterated that it is
his belief that if the new salary model is consistently applied over time, the
situation at ISU will be better.
4. Approval of Minutes from April 29, 2010:
The minutes from the April 29, 2010 meeting were approved by a vote of 2-0-5.
5. Faculty Senate Executive Committee Report, K. Bolinger:
K. Bolinger requested that FEBC make a recommendation today on the
“Guidelines for Faculty Salary Model.” M. A. Badar moved to endorse
the “Guidelines” with the addition of a $1000 bonus for Associate Professors
and a $2000 bonus for Full Professors, and R. McGivern seconded the motion.
Motion passed 6-0-0.
6. New Business:
There was no time to discuss new business (FEBC charges for 2010-11 and health
benefit concerns of ISU staff members).
7. Adjournment
Motion to adjourn by L. Phillips, second by M. A. Badar. The meeting was adjourned at 10:05 AM.
Submitted by Jennifer Inlow, for Secretary Linda Maule.
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