skip to main content ISU bar University Faculty Senate Approved October 15,2008 October 01, 2008 Minutes Indiana State University Faculty Senate 2008-09 FEBC #2 Present: M.A. Badar, E. Bermúdez, K. Bolinger, J. Conant, L. Maule, T. Mulkey Absent: H. Chait, H. Minniear, S. Shure Speaking Seats: M. Green (Academic Affairs), D. Worley (Faculty Senate Liaison) Guests: 1. Call to Order: K. Bolinger called the meeting to order at 1:05 PM. 2. Agenda: The agenda was adopted by consensus. a. The agenda included reviewing the prioritization of charges from last week, prioritizing the additional charge given by the Faculty Senate Executive Committee, and development of a strategy for completion of the first two charges. 3. Minutes: J. Conant moved approval of minutes from 09-28-08, E. Bermúdez seconded. Minutes were approved (5-0-1). 4. New Business a. New charge from the Faculty Senate Executive Committee i. Charge 7 – make recommendations regarding formation of a “Sick-leave” bank through which faculty could contribute a portion of unused sick days to assist those with longer-term illnesses. b. J. Conant moved that the new charge be added after the fourth prioritized charge. E. Bermúdez seconded. Motion passed unanimously (6-0-0). 5. Old/Unfinished/Ongoing Business a. Discussion of spousal benefits continued with fact finding duties given to members of the FEBC to bring information to the October 15, 2008 meeting. FEBC will request that Candy Barton attend to discuss current spousal benefits. M. Green will do some analysis into the cost of expansion, L. Maule will investigate the impact on new faculty hires, E. Bermúdez, J. Conant, and T. Mulkey will do a peer institution comparisons both in and out of the state of Indiana 6. Upcoming Business a. Next meeting will take place Wednesday, October 15, 2008, in the College of Education room 714 at 1:00 PM. 7. Adjournment – 1:55 PM Respectfully submitted, Eliezer Bermúdez Secretary Last modified: March 05, 2009 Copyright © 2007 by Indiana State University.