skip to main content ISU bar University Faculty Senate Approved November 12,2008 October 15, 2008 Minutes Indiana State University Faculty Senate 2008-09 FEBC #3 Present: M.A. Badar, E. Bermúdez, K. Bolinger, H. Chait, J. Conant, L. Maule Absent: H. Minniear, T. Mulkey, S. Shure Speaking Seats: Guests: 1. Call to Order: K. Bolinger called the meeting to order at 1:05 PM. 2. Agenda: The agenda was adopted by consensus. a. The agenda included reports from FEBC members on spousal benefits and recommendations for policy changes. 3. Minutes: J. Conant moved approval of minutes from 09-28-08, E. Bermúdez seconded. Minutes were approved (5-0-1). 4. Old/Unfinished/Ongoing Business a. Discussion of spousal benefits continued. L. Maule reported that she obtained permission to get information from new hired faculty on benefits and impact of spousal benefits policy changes. E. Bermúdez reported spousal benefits from several Indiana universities such as IU (main and regional campuses), IUPUI, and Purdue. IU has a Courtesy Fee benefit for spouses who wish to take classes that ranges from $258 to $345 per semester; IUPUI has a Courtesy Fee of $326 per semester, and Purdue has a spousal benefit of 7 credit hrs./semester or 4 credit hrs/summer. J. Conant reported findings from regional peer-institutions. Southern Indiana offers a benefit of 50% of cost for 6 credit hours; Missouri State has a benefit of up to 12 credit hours to employee, but it may assign it to dependent or spouse; Northern KY (statewide policy) has a policy of 6 undergraduate credit hours. Eastern Illinois, Western Illinois, and Wichita State do not offer any spouse benefit. FEBC had a lengthy discussion and comparison of ISU benefits with other institutions. Unfortunately, the committee did not have the input and cost analysis from Ms. C. Barton and Mr. M. Green to make recommendations. b. FEBC will request that Candy Barton attend the next FEBC meeting to discuss current spousal benefits. M. Green will do some analysis into the cost of expansion. 5. Upcoming Business a. Next meeting will take place Wednesday, October 29, 2008, in the College of Education room 714 at 1:00 PM. 6. Adjournment – 1:55 PM Respectfully submitted, Eliezer Bermúdez Secretary Last modified: March 05, 2009 Copyright © 2007 by Indiana State University.