skip to main content ISU bar University Faculty Senate Approved December 3,2008 November 12, 2008 Minutes Indiana State University Faculty Senate 2008-09 FEBC #5 Present: E. Bermúdez, K. Bolinger, H. Chait, J. Conant, T. Mulkey, S. Shure Absent: M.A. Badar, L. Maule, H. Minniear Speaking Seats: C. Barton, M. Green, J. Maynard, D. McKee Guests: 1. Call to Order: K. Bolinger called the meeting to order at 1:05 PM. 2. Agenda: The agenda was adopted by consensus. a. The agenda included an open discussion with the Provost, motions for action on the FEBC first charge and discussion of the second charge. 3. Minutes: H. Chait moved approval of minutes from 10-15-08, T. Mulkey seconded. Minutes were approved (6-0-0). 4. Old/Unfinished/Ongoing Business a. Open discussion with J. Maynard, Provost and Vice-president of Academic Affairs. K. Bolinger presented a summary of FEBC concerns in terms of salary increase, Academic Affairs budget and other issues. In addition, he asked the Provost about what role he thinks the FEBC should play on budget decisions and recommendations, and how it may engage with the Office of the Provost and the office of Business Affairs. Provost Maynard stated that D. McKee, Vice-president for Business Affairs/Finance, and M. Green, Associate Vice-president for Academic Affairs, could answer the concerns and questions of the FEBC. D. McKee informed the FEBC that the ISU budget is in a two-year cycle, including tuition increases. b. FEBC inquired about the savings from Program Prioritization. The Provost stated that actual savings will take time. No faculty or employee has lost their job due to program prioritization. The University needs new programs to attract new students. The last time ISU added a new program was more than ten years ago. c. Other items of discussion: How do the current economic problems affect ISU? Do we have to look at different retirement models? The new state budget allocations may not be favorable to ISU; allocations will be based on performance, including enrollment and retention. d. The FEBC is very grateful of the Provost, J. Maynard, for taking time to meet with the committee and have such a candid and engaging conversation. e. Spousal Benefit (Charge #3) i. J. Conant moved to approve the following recommendation: to increase staff spousal benefits to 15 credit hours per year at half tuition, with no limitation on how many hours could be taken in any given term as long as the total annual hours did not exceed 15 credit hours reimbursed at half tuition. K. Bolinger seconded. Motion was approved (5-0-0). 5. Upcoming Business a. Next meeting will take place Wednesday, December 3, 2008, in the College of Education room 714 at 1:00 PM. 6. Adjournment – 2:00 PM Respectfully submitted, Eliezer Bermúdez Secretary Last modified: March 05, 2009 Copyright © 2007 by Indiana State University.