University 101 Syllabi
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Spring 2016: University 101 – 010 Introduction to Weather and Climate SyllabusThis course supports the development of skills needed to succeed in the classroom with a special focus on academic recovery. Upon completion of the course, students will demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and behaviors critical for academic and personal success. Students will acquire these abilities as they are introduced to the foundations of inquiry – the interests, assumptions, methodologies, and potential academic and career tracks associated with the disciplines at ISU.
Fall 2016: APPLIED HEALTH SCIENCES: 626 Section 301 Supervision & Management in Health Professions SyllabusThis course provides students with supervisory methods, tools, and techniques designed to develop leadership qualities, promote human relations, and upgrade contributions of employee personnel involved in various types of health professions.
Fall 2016: APPLIED HEALTH SCIENCES: 360 Section 002 Epidemiology SyllabusEpidemiology is the study of the distribution and determinants of health events among the human population. Topics include: history of disease; epidemiologic study design, data collection, analysis, presentation, and application in community diagnosis, risk assessment, and program evaluation. This course covers applications of epidemiologic methods and procedures to the study of the distribution and determinants of health and diseases, morbidity, injuries, disability, and mortality in populations. Epidemiologic methods for the control of conditions such as infectious and chronic diseases, mental disorders, community and environmental health hazards, and unintentional injuries are discussed. Other topics include quantitative aspects of epidemiology, for example, data sources, measures of morbidity and mortality, evaluation of association and causality, and study design.