Emeriti Professor Marion Jackson
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Recent Submissions
Species Attributes For Wildrye Meadow CommunityAlaska Study
Study SiteKem Badgers Umbrella Magnolia Study, Crawford, IN
Changes in Tree Importance Value96th Street Woods, Indianapolis
Wizard Island Crater 1Crater Lake National Park, OR
Species Attributes For Tall Sedge Marsh CommunityAlaska Study
Wizard Island Crater 2Crater Lake National Park, OR
West Lava FlowWizard Island, Crater Lake National Park, OR
Crater SummitWizard Island, Crater Lake National Park, OR
Forest on Lava FlowWizard Island, Crater Lake National Park, OR
Original 21 Stands MapBeech-Maple Analysis Study, Levenson Data
Dimensions and Arrangement of Nested PlotsBeech-Maple Analysis Study, Levenson Data
Significant Species Associations 4Beech-Maple Analysis Study, Levenson Interspecies Association
Legend InformationAlaska Study
Stand Density Characteristics 1 of 3Beech-Maple Analysis Study, Levenson Data
Wizard Island Arial PhotoWizard Island Vegetation
Dunn Ordination Study 2Beech-Maple Analysis Study, Levenson Data
Saplings DensityTree reproduction by exposed and protected sites by slope aspect
Tree DensityTree reproduction by exposed and protected sites by slope aspect
Species Attributes For Bluff Edge CommunityAlaska Study
Potential Information Storage in Terrestrial LandscapePetty-Jackson Prairie Border Study