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A survey of the economic philosophy of Herbert HooverNot Available.
A comparison of formally mentored and unmentored participants of a women's leadership training institute.A comaprison of formally mentored and unmentored participants of a Women's Institute was made utilizing instruments representing six variables reported in the research literature as outcomes of successful informal mentoring relationships.The six variables included job advancement,creativity,job satisfaction,salary increase,self esteem and social status.The instruments used in an attempt to objectively compare the two groups were the CREE Questionnaire,the Minnesota Questionnaire,the Avila Mentorship Questionnaire,and the Rosenberg Self Esteem Scale.Fifty formally mentored and fifty unmentored subjects were each randomly assigned to predictor profile groups of 30 and validation groups of 20. Discriminate analysis was used on the two groups of 30 to generate a prediction profile for mentored individuals.The remaining two groups of 20 were then examined to determine the validity of the original prediction equation.A chi square analysis was used to determine the number of correct and incorrect classification of the variables.Results revealed that three of the six variables used in comparison were found to be significant--salary increase,job satisfaction and self-esteem.The variables promotion,social status and creativity were not significant.The prediction equation was not validated by the second group of subjects.Though the three variables were identified as predictors of group membership,the amount of difference in classification between the two groups was not significant.
Rorschach Erlebnistypus and problem-solving styles in children.This study was designed to determine whether children who, on the basis of their Rorschach Erlebnistypus score,were identified as being introversive or extraversive differed with respect to their approaches to certain novel problem-solving tasks.It was thought that the extra-tensives would characteristically manipulate the task materials more and make more mistakes than would the introversives,owing to the notion that the introversives internalize more of their manipulations and attempted solutions.Sixty-nine sixth and seventh graders at a university-run laboratory school were administered the Rorschach.From that number fifteen introversive and fifteen extratensive children were identified who were also given three subtests from the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised(WISC-R).These subtests were the Block Design,Object Assembly,and Mazes.Systems were devised to count the number of manipulations made by the chidren on the Block Design and Object Assembly subtests and the number of errors committed on the Mazes subtest.These manipulations and errors were recorded and mean manipulation and error scores were tabulated for both the introversive and extratensive groups.T-tests,using these mean scores,tested the hypotheses of this study.The hypotheses of this study were: 1)Extratensive children make significantly more manipulations than do introversive children on the Block Design subtest of the WISC-R. 2)Extratensive children make significantly more manipulations than do introversive children on the Object Assembly subtest of the WISC-R. 3) Extratensive children make significantly more errors than do introversive children on the Mazes subtest of the WISC-R.The results of the analysis of the data revealed that the introversive group performed fewer manipulations than did the extratensive group on the Block Design subtest as expected but not on the Object Assembly subtest.Furthermore,the extratensives did not commit more errors on the Mazes subtest than did the introversies.It was concluded that introversive and extratensive children do differ with respect to problem-solving styles.It is not known,however what tasks are required so that these differences are evident.