Library Faculty and Staff: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 73
American Textbooks 1700-1820Textbooks published in America 1700-1820
English Newspapers at Indiana State UniversityBibliography of historic English newspapers at ISU.
British Collection: Bibliography of Dictionaries and Lexicographic ToolsBibliography of Dictionaries and Lex9icographic Tools
American NewspapersA bibliography of historic American newspapers in the ISU collection.
African American Newspapers: A bibliographyBibliography of African American newspapers with information to help access the publication.
Indian and Irish Newspapers: A bibliographybibliography of Irish and Indian newspapers in ISU collection.
Open Educational Resources: The ISU Textbook Affordability Initiative and Student SuccMany have observed that completion and affordability are critical challenges for higher education today in terms of student success. One method being adopted internationally to address such challenges is integration of freely available Open Educational Resources (OER) in course content. OER can address the rising costs of attending college by reducing the overall cost of expensive college textbooks. However, by providing OER in lieu of textbooks, faculty do more than just address student debt concerns. OER can facilitate student learning by reducing student stress in obtaining required materials, and by engaging students in course content using such resources as OER interactive media. This poster describes how OER can enhance student learning in general, and reviews the ISU Textbook Affordability Initiative. This initiative has helped reduce ISU students’ financial burden by decreasing the need to purchase college textbooks, specifically in Foundational Studies courses, and courses required for academic majors, saving our students $3,008,743.40 (FY14 through FY19) to date. The initiative, administered by the ISU Library, involves library faculty and instructional designers working with faculty to convert their courses via a systematic, pedagogically informed process. In addition to OER integration into existing course content, OER textbooks created through the initiative are used in the university’s College Challenge Program, which is a dual credit program that enables high school students to earn ISU college credit in courses taught at their local high schools.
The Vigo County, Indiana, War of 1812 Bicentennial Committee: Supporting community engagement through public programmingThe Vigo County, Indiana, War of 1812 Bicentennial Committee: Supporting community engagement through public programming
The golden age meets the digital age: Notes from the trenches.Poster session.
Out of sync: The time-sucking shock of teaching online.Newsletter article on communication in online learning environments.
Vita vs. resume: Getting unstuck by knowing the difference.A newsletter article on the differences between resumes and acaddemic-focused vitas.
An ethnography of student behavior in secluded and open spaces: Preliminary findings and implications for library space planningFrom: Bulick, N. & Frey, S. (2019). An ethnography of student behavior in secluded and open spaces: Preliminary findings and implications for library space planning. In A. Katsirikou (Ed.), Book of abstracts: 11th Qualitative and quantitation methods in libraries QQML 2019 international conference (pp. 189-190). Maryville, Florence, Italy: International Society for the Advancement of Science and Technology. file:///C:/Users/sfrey/Desktop/Book-of-Abstracts_Final_AfterConf_v1.pdf The design of physical space in academic libraries has become an increasingly important focus of concern in serving the diverse needs of contemporary student populations. Responding to trends that shift the focus of library space away from collections-centered to more user-centered design, many are exploring ways of creating a better library user experience. To achieve this aim, valuable research has been conducted by directly asking students to articulate their wants and needs via surveys, and in some cases, interviews. However, little research has been devoted to the systematic field observation of how students’ use library spaces. Even less of this research has synthesized data findings with robust theoretical frameworks. This poster details the preliminary findings of an ethnographic study at a four-year, public university. Researchers designed a protocol to observe students in freely available secluded and non-secluded library spaces to examine behavior, communication, and social interaction within the context of proxemics theory. The anthropological study of proxemics is useful in evaluating how people behave within immediate organizations of space, and has been successfully applied to the design of public and semi-public spaces. Attendees will learn of study findings, and how these data can be applied to practical applications such as furniture composition and layout, lighting, and general space planning. Also addressed are details of the next phase of this study. Keywords: Space/Buildings; Organizational Change; Proxemics
Digital Initiative Services and Sycamore ScholarsThis presentation teaches about Digital Initiatives and Sycamore Scholars.
WHERE THE OLD MEETS THE NEW: What Does the Next Generation Really Expect From Librarians?The paradigm of librarians who continue to follow the “traditional” behavior of sitting behind a Reference Desk expecting students to come to them, is shifting. A literature search reveals a variety of ways librarians are embracing “new” ways to connect with students. They are going where the students hang out: in the classroom, in residence halls, food courts, and student lounges. The reader of this paper is given a brief overview of literature searches that were conducted by the writers but the primary focus of the paper is on the library’s program of “Librarians in The Residence Halls (“LRH”),” where librarians set up weekly, lunch time “Help” desks outside Residence Hall Dining Rooms. The program presenter will share conclusions that were drawn by the librarians as they evaluated the conclusion of the program, “What was good, what was challenging, and what could have been done better?”